Hobgoblin in Dragon Crest, The Realms of Urth | World Anvil
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Of all the otherkin, hobgoblins value the workmanship, functionality, and appearance of their equipment. These otherkin take pains to acquire the best equipment that they can, not just in power, but in appearance. The most important, powerful, or valuable item that a hobgoblin possesses will define the rest of their equipment. Hobgoblins rose out of the designation of fodder among the Fae of Otherworld with their martial attitude, organization, and discipline. A hobgoblin defines themselves through their training, skill, and accomplishments as well as those that share in their Ard Yn, named for the founder of their fighting style. Individual honors are not important to a hobgoblin as they all share in the deeds of their Ard Yn. While there are many hobgoblins, often simply called ‘hobs’ that serve other Fae or warmasters, there are just as many that have become mercenaries of some repute and skill. Though one might think they are eager to serve, it is true, but hobs have standards. They seek an accomplished, ambitious, or powerful liege who offers them a chance to gather renown, skill, and riches.  
  • Ard Yn Shav- Duelist Style
  • Ard Yn Rhug- Dual Weapon Style
  • Ard Yn Moge- Shield Style
  • Ard Yn Breke- Great Weapon Style
  • Ard Yn Rytt- Range Weapon Style
  • Ard Yn Turr- Arcane Ranged Style
  • Ard Yn Zele- Arcane Melee Style
  • Ard Yn Dau- Alchemy Ranged Style
  • Ard Yn Kunn- Alchemy Melee Style
  Within each Ard Yn there are several different war stances that are practiced by their members. The war stance is a set of movements that the hobgoblins use to focus their fae powers through, regaining some of their vim to continue their assaults against their many enemies. While there may be significant similarities between hobgoblin’s war stances, each one is unique in some way. A hobgoblin may know more than one war stance, but it is rarely changed. Some reasons for a change are the adoption of another Ard Yn, a momentous change in the life of the hobgoblin or the taking of a war pledge. A war pledge is a tradition among the hobgoblins where they bind their words, deeds, and spirit to accomplish a task for a fallen warkin.   Hobgoblins have wide and flat noses and pointed ears that swoop back away from their face. Scars are often accentuated if they were given by a particularly notable foe or act. In addition, hobgoblins often mark themselves with the signs of their Ard Yn, liege or other strong affiliations. Hobgoblins typically do not hide marks of allegiance as it is a sign of cowardice and shame.

Hobgoblin Resolution

Hobgoblins also value the TOUGH Approach.

Stance of War

Mark a box of Otherworld Tricks to use a 3 DAMAGE using any weapon, regardless of Style, or the Path of your Court.

Mana Effect

You inflict 2 DAMAGE with any attack action for the duration of the Scene while you do not move.

Epic Effect

Mark a box of Otherworld Tricks to use a 5 DAMAGE or your own DISCIPLINE OF DAMAGE skill, whichever is greater.


Plant your feet and use TOUGH to CREATE AN ADVANTAGE by kata or martial display and clear a box Otherworld Tricks.

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