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Dragon Crest, The Realms of Urth

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The world of Urth is a wonder, the center of a grand and mysterious drama. Was there a time before the Elders? No one knows, but the First Age of Urth was their domain. The power of the Elementals teemed through the Urth itself, infusing it with great power. The might of the Giants molded the Urth while the chaos of the Shifters danced through the wilds and Leviathan roamed. The great magic of the ever seeing Eyes brought focus to the unbridled powers while the Dragons brought temperance and balance to their shared world. But, as all things begin, so too must they end. The First Age ended in war and no place on Urth was spared. When the fires died, the ash settled and the dead quieted, an Accord was made. Never again they said…
So came the Second Age of Urth- The Age of Monsters. In the wake of the great war, Monsters, powerful and untold inherited the Urth. Unchecked by the power of the Elders, these creatures of power and purpose dominated the world. They roamed free, indulging their natures as they saw fit. It was during the Age of Monsters where the progeny of the Elders spread, Titan and Wyrm, Watcher and Sagani, Great Beast and Protean, among others. In the beginning, only Monsters could challenge Monsters. Each claiming their own territories.   Eventually another power would rise to challenge the power of the Monsters…Mortals. With armies, magic, and heroes, Mortals would fight back against the reign of the Monsters and claim the Urth piece by piece. Thus, was born the Third Age of Urth- The Age of Mortals. There are many legends of the origin of each mortal ancestry, and none can be proven. Whether they existed in the First Age, were creatures of the Elders, escaped from another realm or were birthed of Urth itself, it is in the Third Age where Mortals shine. Great cultures and kingdoms arose and fell as the Mortals fought against the threat of the Monsters. The Dominions of Kentogen, the Khanals of Orda, the Oracula of Mindor and the Pillars of Ymir all stood tall. But, something would change all that more than five thousand years ago- a great upheaval known as the Wake.   The powers of Spirit twisted and changed. Often spiritual magics simply failed, could not be cast beyond a touch, drew too much mana from the caster, surged with extra energy, warped the flesh or spirit. Interacting with spirit became problematic. As the magics used to cure, heal, restore life, and resurrect failed. Illness, famine, and fear gripped the world. No place seemed untouched. Creatures of spirit became erratic, dangerous and could sometimes walk among us. Icon spirits seemed to be affected as well as Spirit Warriors and Spirit Guides. Tragically, the effects of the Wake also affected births. Those with ties to Otherworld would come to call this phenomenon the Culling. During this dark time, many kingdoms and cultures waned and fell. Until a group, that would become known as the House of the Healing Heart, discovered that the stone of their homeland could stabilize the spiritual magics. Under the protection of the Kothites, powerful immortal men and women who united the people of the great continent named for them, the Heart would spread across Koth and beyond, quelling the Wake.   Thus, began the Forth Age of Urth- The Age of Koth. As Koth spread, those that welcomed them were brought peacefully into the Empire. Those that did not initially welcome them would sometimes see the benefits and join while others would resist. Many would eventually be conquered by the Legions of Koth while others would remain independent. There is but one land that Koth has not found purchase upon and that land is the continent of Mindor, supposed homeland of the paxan. For centuries, the Eternal Empire had a colony in the continent of Kentogen, home to the changelings of the Dominions, known as Felisar, but Koth was forced off their shores a few decades ago. Koth conquered one of the Realms of Orda, Arcan, centuries ago. Battles wage still as Koth expands its reach, freeing the jann from their slavery at the hands of the Ordan Constellations.   Now the battle turns to the continent of Haelos far across the Abyssmal Sea, discovered by Lord Captain Jobere Dupree using the first of the Black Ships. At first, Koth simply used the land as a penal colony, but the Heart soon sought to extend their reach and see if any remnant of the Wake still plagued the new land. The Guilds found new and plentiful resources while the other powers of Urth started to make claim upon the new land. The Colony of Dupree was established and Koth has become embroiled in a conflict far from its shores. The Annex of Aethrys is an Ordan Constellation that claims the south east. Rhahael is a Dominion that claims lands bordering the expansive Dupree. The Bathoral of Bryn’var is a merr power that controls the Gulf of Estarra, touching much of the colony. The See of Medea is a collective of Mindor that lies just beyond the Broken Wing of Haelos. The Boki, powerful and skilled native orcs, hold the Thornwold, a massive ancient forest that can threaten the seat of the colony.   Ancient wards prevent the powers that be from using their magics to open portals to Haelos and it seems that Koth has become more cautious of late, allowing treaties to be made where once they would put those same enemies to the black flame.

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