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Cult of One

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WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Figure in the Mists. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Shadow Behind the Crown. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article is about a player character in the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, and do not play this character, please do not read this article!
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for the campaign: A Trick of the Light. If you are a player in that campaign, please do not read this article.
WARNING! This article contains spoilers for a future campaign. If you are a player in this world and not planning on GMing in it, please do not read this article.

This page has been put in the shelves by: Mes Roughn

The Cult of One is a group that thinks there is no point to words that are more than one sound long. To them, a word is not meant to be long or hard to say. They thwart a lot of mage folk who want to make speech a class tool, bit by bit, as they talk in words that are short and to the point. They have had more and more join their ranks as time goes on, their cause a great muse to much of the folk in the land. This cause, spread to lots, is a source of fright to the rich and high class. From their scared eyes, it is a threat to their way of life.

Group Form

The Cult of One does not have a fixed set of roles in the group. In fact, one does not have to know one soul in the group to join it. It is just for those who want to see a change in the state of the world, to be a part of a whole to cause change. They want to shift the view of talk to be a thing all can do, and not a tool of the rich who are keen to push them down.

The Start

The start of the Cult of One group is from one man, who is called Mes Roughn. He went to a good school, and faced new foes. Mes was not weighed the same in the eyes of those who thought they were more great than him, and it was due to his speech. He did not say the same big words as him, and so they looked down on him for it. So, he would feed this no more. He chose to make his words all short sounds, not long words like his peers would use to show off. His short words were his form of change. He would spit in the face of what they thought was "good". He got his friends to do it with him, and the plan just spread from there. He did get kicked out of the school, but he and his group did not stop.

Why say big word when small word do trick

Fight for change
Mes Roughn
Guy who came up with it
Mes Roughn
Based in


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Apr 12, 2024 14:06

Yooo I love this style of speech! Great work. <3

Apr 12, 2024 15:10 by spleen

Thank you!

Have a wonderful day!
Apr 24, 2024 10:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this so much.   (Also, don't hate me, but you have two instances of 'many' which has two syllables.)

Apr 24, 2024 12:15 by spleen

let me fix that!
In the meantime, we can just. pretend that many is pronounced with one syllable in certain dialects or something? :p

Have a wonderful day!
Apr 24, 2024 12:37 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

:D :D :D