The hummelverse World War II

World War II

Military action

1939 - 1946

The second World War breaks out and artificial intelligence is used for warfare for the first time.

The computer technology was used by the military for warfare and constantly developed to create more advanced systems. From 1941 on, self-propelled artillery guns were the first vehicles to be equipped with the world’s first intelligent fire-control system.   1946 – the war was drawing to a close. For years, the German engineers had worked on a secret technology that was supposed to turn the tide of the war. The goal was fully automatic battle units for the frontline, which would counter the shortage of human soldiers. In secret underground facilities in Hartz and Berlin, vehicles that possess a simple, yet working artificial intelligence were kept and developed.   During November of the same year, the Allies managed to build their own automatized army with the help of defected German engineers. The AIs were still rudimentary and failure-prone, but the nature of war had changed forever.

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