Sernoreth's Repose Condition in Tellanor | World Anvil

Sernoreth's Repose

The god of darkness does, on occasion, touch mortals with his favour, removing slowly their sight, leaving them in a world of misty darkness. Though he chooses primarily the elderly, there are some records of this condition affecting younger people. Why he chooses the aged, only the gods know. It has been the subject of scholastic discussion for centuries. Some believe it is nature, others that the deity of darkness is blessing the old, allowing them to not see the a changing world or hiding from them their aging forms.

Transmission & Vectors

In reality, this condition is caused by degeneration of the eyes and their constituent parts.


Genetics play a part in this condition, but it appears that certain habits exacerbate preexisting vulnerabilities.


Those touched by Sernoreth experience a gradual distortion of their vision, manifesting most often as like a dark fog.


There is no known treatment for the Repose.


The Repose causes gradual degradation of visual acuity. Typically four months after onset, the affected person's vision is reduced to the point they are unable to read.


This condition leads to blindness.


A healthy diet and exercise seems to have some preventative power, but amulets blessed by clergy of Sernoreth are the only true preventative measure, though they are costly. A typical amulet of this sort costs roughly an average half year of wages.


Sernoreth's Repose was first identified by the Ordo Genus in the eightieth year of the Empire. It has affected many, but it is seen by some people as a natural part of mortal life.

Cultural Reception

Sernoreth's Repose is seen as a mark of wisdom. Those who live with it are forced to engage with the world differently, and thus consider it differently. They are therefore able to offer insights that are unreachable by those who do not live with the Repose.


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