Falsyth Tablelands Geographic Location in Tellanor | World Anvil

Falsyth Tablelands

The fox-eared halfling made a warding sign with his left hand, twisting his first two fingers about each other when he heard the party's destination. "Oye, nothin' good on them rocks," he said darkly, serving the fourth tankard of his amber ale. "Ye best not stay on the sands af'er sundown." It was the last time he would see the adventurers.
  A large, desolate cluster of plateaus in the Fidiran duchy of Falsyth, the tablelands are almost entirely devoid of life due to a magical mishap during the days of the Empire. The upheaval of land then rapid coursing of powerful flows of magical currents resulted in the formation of five large plateaus. While the climate of the region is not particularly harsh, a lack of vegetation makes the area inhospitable. The rapid rise, fall, and sculpting of the tablelands has resulted in an odd formation of strata that represents no accurate geological record. A few rivers and streams slip through the barren landscape, but offer no algae or plant life for creatures to survive on. Nonetheless, predatory carnivores that can weather the barren wasteland have made their home among the mesas.  


During the Fidiran Frontier wars, the tablelands were gently rolling plains as grassy and lightly forested as the land surrounding the regions. The eastern halflings used their knowledge of the land to wage guerilla resistance against three successive Imperial attempts at conquest. Twice these tactics served the halflings well, but the third involved experimental arcanistry that resulted in this land, sometimes called Little Morbhaine. This arcane catastrophe claimed many lives on both sides of the battle, blighted the land, and stranded demons on Tellanor. The tablelands were perhaps a warning to the hubristic empire that was unheeded.  

Tales from the Tablelands

Falsyth Phantoms: The tablelands, given their foreboding appearance and lifeless terrain, are a natural feature in chilling tales. Stories of ghostly figures that wander the sandy wasteland are common in Falsyth inns and taverns, though the alleged existence of these spectres is yet to be proved.

Tableland Sand: It is said that the sand that makes up the riverbeds of the tablelands is able to restore youth when rubbed into the skin beneath the light of a full moon. This, too, remains unproven. Perhaps they aren't rubbing the sand in hard enough.


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