Session 1: Night Shift Blues Report in Tairos | World Anvil

Session 1: Night Shift Blues

Mercy Hill Hospital Medical School Journal: Property of Rellahne Qidane

General Summary

First Year: Rellahne Qidane

Day 4

Nobody likes night shift. I had expected to feel that much, but what happened today goes way beyond what I thought I would have to do during my residency here. Almost getting killed and turned into a monster, maybe having to eat other people, and on top of that having a doctor in charge of the overnighters that has given us little to no direction during this portion of our studies is really grating on me. It’s a good thing the college med staff had prepared us so well, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have made it out tonight.

Oh, and I guess we have the good fortune to have hired on some seriously strange janitors, handymen and assistants. That, or someone in management fully expected something like this to happen eventually. The evening started normally enough; I clocked in and went to change into my hospital uniform. Said hello to a few of my classmates and we all went to Dr. Lugnut’s office, fully expecting another evening of “free study”, which invariably meant searching out patients in need of triage and treatment, wherein they may or may not roll in to criticize then maybe take over. As a doctor, as far as I could tell, they seemed competent but in an eerie, nonchalant manner that seemed more concerned with the fastest route to discharge than providing full care. I pretty much was in the process of compiling notes after orientation a few nights ago consisted of him coming in half an hour late and telling us to just do what they did and we’d be fine. I don’t know too many automatons, but the Dr. Lugnut was one of the weirder ones.

  There was a terrible mess in the medical staff washroom as I excused myself shortly after arriving for my shift, so I broke off and headed downstairs to the janitor’s office. When I reached Krynn’s office, I couldn’t help but overhear some chatter from within; I swear I don’t often eavesdrop, but it’s been very boring so far the last few nights. Krynn is a crotchety old gnome, but unlike Dr. Lugnut, seemed to take his job seriously. The hospital was usually well kept. I came in as Krynn seemed to be chewing out a few of his guys, asking why they were so late.   Putting my ear up to the door, I overheard four of the staff recount some insane story about some rioting going on by the bar district where they traveled from to get here; worried that the trouble could spell some injured coming to the hospital, Krynn alarmed tried to report this but the others calmed him down, saying it was squelched before anything too bad happened and that the constabulary wanted to keep this quiet so as not to disturb the public’s evening. I smelled some dung coming from the story, but then again, strange things happen at night all the time; Ghal Pelor’s a big city.   I stood by as Krynn dismissed the four of them and they filed out of the office, heading to their stations. I vaguely recognized them; Horick, a buff dwarf that worked in maintenance, though I’ve seen him several times the last few evenings handling some of the deceased without so much as a grimace, Cojitron, another clanker like Dr. Lugnut that helped out the nurses and seemed more into their job than the doctor was, Bayour, a guy probably no older than me if not a little younger that I think was supposed to be a janitor but I seen him hanging around the front desk swapping gossip more often than with a mop, and a Tengu named I think Tea Kettle, who also worked in the morgue helping with the cleaning, After they dispersed I went in and reported the mess to Krynn, who sighed and sent Fez to deal with it. He lumbered off quickly; nice guy but doesn’t seem super bright.   Afterwards I joined a couple of my classmates in the morgue, watching the mortician handle a body of a scary looking dwarf that was unidentified that came in just recently. Had some nasty wounds in him, like he’d been mauled by some kind of wild animal. Saw some of his stuff on a counter down there; a huge weapon and some other adventury type equipment. Seemed sus to me. Afterwards we looked on and observed while Dr. Lugnut dispassionately performed an autopsy on the dwarf body, with its night nurse Tabeta. All it said during the procedure was how much trouble it went through to save this guy when he came in only for him to expire on the operating table and end up here. Nurse Tabeta filled in some actually pertinent details about his condition; thankfully she’s been around the last few nights to actually do some educating, she’s pretty nice for someone that has to work this shift.   We went back upstairs, and one of my classmates name of Brisby went into our locker-room to get some stuff. That’s when everything went to a hell I couldn’t even fathom, being a city girl my whole life.   I was thinking about taking my break at that moment, since no one tends to pay attention to that sort of thing in the middle of the night, and went to the locker room a few moments after Brisby to pick up the food I brought from home. As I approached the door, I heard a scream, and, against my better judgment, burst in and found Brisby struggling with one of the nurses. I run up to try and separate them and got thrown to the ground. Looking up, I saw that it was Tabeta, the night nurse, but she looked horrible; eyes glazed over and she emitted guttural noises as she grabbed at Brisby. She had an awful bite wound on her neck. I just saw her like fifteen minutes ago and she was fine! Eventually, she overwhelms Brisby as I lock up staring at the two of them and she bites deep into his neck and tear a chunk out. He falls to the ground, twitches a bit and goes still. Tabeta turns her attention to me eventually and I barely get on my feet to fend her off.   I must have been pretty loud myself because the door bursts open and in rush two of those staff guys, Bayour and Tea Kettle. They immediately jump Tabeta and pull her off, then attack her with some empty bottles and a loose scalpel. I was super out of it at the moment, but it turns out they’re kind of handy in a fight. They quickly finish off Tabeta by bashing and stabbing multiple times into that poor woman, and she eventually goes down, but immediately Brisby groans, and for a second I think he’s ok but he pops up with that same glazed look and goes after us! Bayour gets in the way and fends him off while Tea Kettle knocks him down and they eventually overpower him too.   The locker room is a bloody, sickening mess. The two of them help me to my feet and asked how this started. After I get my wits together, I go over what I saw, which wasn’t much. Tea Kettle says something about zombies, and I blanch that zombies weren’t known to infect others like this, not that I’ve ever seen one before tonight; that sort of shit is the stuff you read about in books and when you get lost in the woods outside the city. The two of them search around, telling me that they’ve been looking for the body of Dakar, the dead dwarf that came in earlier tonight that I just watched Dr. Lugnut open up. Apparently he’s part of some group of mercenaries that work for a guy named Dayne Reed that these two are acquainted with; they’re pretty candid about the fact that they saw them earlier this evening set off to do something for this Dayne guy, and then went missing, with only Dakar showing up super dead and in bad condition.   They search the locker room, and head outside to continue the search, inviting me to come. I go with them; I had no intention of staying alone and getting caught and infected with what seems to be some kind of zombie plague, which isn’t even a thing. They head back to the janitorial offices to check in with Krynn and retrieve their “stuff”. Along the way they catch up with Horick and Cojitron. They relate everything that’s happened to them, with the other two having found some admittance information for Dakar at the front desk. So far, two zombies have been the extent of it. They reach the staff locker room and equip themselves with weapons and other adventure type stuff. Surprised, I ask if they do this for a living, and they reply that working in the hospital is just because going out and killing monsters doesn’t make much money at the moment. Weird guys, but I feel better knowing they’re armed and in front of me.   When we reach Krynn’s office, we find him chasing that big guy Fez. It looks like Krynn’s been got in the neck too; same sort of bite wound that I examined from Nurse Tabeta and Brisby. Son of a bitch, I can’t believe those two are dead, and now Krynn too. The four of them rush in and put down Krynn, with a couple of them apologizing loudly and profusely. So far, they’ve managed to escape being bitten. Calming down and talking with Fez, he explains that when he came back from the errand Krynn sent him on earlier, he found the old gnome shuffling about, then rushed at him when he opened the door with murder in his eyes. Got bit in the leg too, showing it off. I turn white for a moment while he rambles about what a loss Krynn was, but that he’ll be a good head of the janitorial staff and will put these four guys up for raises. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Bayour nodding at Horick, making a chopping motion with his hands.   What happens next is a blur, as they jump Fez, hold him down while Horick spits in his hands, grabs his huge axe, and without hesitation swing it down on the poor guy’s bitten leg. I gasp, thinking they’ve killed him, but after Fez screams once and goes unconscious from shock, they wave me over to quickly staunch the wound and examine him. I gather myself and check him out, trying to tell him that this is not a plague that’s written about anywhere and could probably be magical in nature, but shockingly, the cut is incredibly clean and I manage to fix up the wound well enough with the supplies in the office. Checking Fez out, I don’t see any signs of infection, no signs that the other zombies have shared thus far. I give them to 80/20 that Fez will make it. They carry him to a cot to rest off his ordeal.   They talk over the insane events of the evening and decide to go to Dr. Lugnut to lock down this wing of the hospital and possibly evacuate, as they’re pretty sure whatever is happening probably has something to do with the deceased Dakar. We make our way to his office, finding it in there tooling around. It seems nonplussed to see us, or about as much as it can. You’d think it’d be hard to tell, but with Lugnut, it actually was pretty obvious. The four of them fill in to the Doctor what’s been happening and after I provide some details as the condition of these zombies and this supposed plague, it decides its main concern is for how this would look to management and the authorities. Cute.   Dr. Lugnut asks if the five of us can handle what’s been going on, and after some back and forth where I try not to lose my mind over this conversation, it relents and says that if after an hour we can’t bring this under control, it’ll alert the remaining hospital staff to evacuate and lockdown the facility and allow the authorities to deal with it. Bayour nervously makes some sort of aside to not wanting the authorities to deal with more trouble this evening after the riots and these “Blackhearts”, as Dakar’s crew is called, and the others nod, but I think it’s some sort of inside thing I don’t bother deciphering. They also ask if I wanted to stay with Dr. Lugnut but I figure it’s probably safer to stay with the guys with weapons that can fight.   The five of us pick up a trail leading to the morgue, and as we wander down into that place, we find the three more shambling bodies wandering the morgue, with the now animated Dakar in the process of pulling another body from storage to infect with his bite. Unlike the zombies he’s been making, Dakar seems to be moving more or less normally and possesses most of his faculties, outside of the desire to make more undead. Spotting us, the zombies rush to attack. I take cover behind one of the gurneys while the four of them fight off the zombies. Cojitron and Tea Kettle start popping off spells, which sort of shocked me as that’s not something you see super often, especially in a hospital, and Bayour stands behind Horick peppering the zombies with arrows. Horick himself wades in pretty recklessly, shouting some kind of dwarfish nonsense and calling himself “Zombie Slayer” as he honestly lays waste to them with that axe of his.   Eventually, Dakar abandons his task as the group have him pretty well surrounded and he lounges at Horick with a huge maul. The fight goes back and forth but this Dakar is pretty strong, and has Horick on the ropes, damaging him and unfortunately managed to grapple him and sink his teeth in the man’s shoulder. A cold beam of some kind lands on Dakar from Cojitron and one of Bayour’s arrows, as this super zombie or whatever he’s turned into, gets knocked around from it, sheers a big chunk of the side of his skull off. He topples over, and we go to help Horick. Saying he wants a clean death, Tea Kettle waves a wing at that suggestion and begins casting a healing spell. I go in to check on him but after a minute, look up and pretty bluntly tell them it’s bad, the infection looks like it’s beginning. I’ve almost become an expert by now.   Bayour goes to inspect Dakar and finds him clinging to unlife just long enough to gurgle out while handing him some sort of big, strange coin from his pocket “Tell Dayne”, their employer I guess. The other three start frantically trying to figure out what they could to do stop the infection since they weren’t about to cut his head off to cure it. Cojitron takes the coin from Bayour and examines it, then says it’s some sort of strange magic coin that has to do with necromancy, which is not a word that I thought I’d ever write in my study notes. It could protect the bearer from its effects and, seemingly, allow said bearer to pass along their affliction should they have one, which would explain the plague like effects of their bits. Handing it off to Horick in an attempt to see if it’ll help, I warily then examine him again and am surprised to discover that the spread of the symptoms has retreated for now. After searching the morgue and gathering Dakar’s belongings up, we leave what has turned into a charnel house back to Dr. Lugnut.   Dr. Lugnut seems pleased that the issue has been resolved ,sort of, with the lead instigator having been put down and the wing cleared of zombies and the need to lock down has been averted. The others explain Horick’s situation, and after rejecting the idea of killing their friend, gives them access to a potion locker in the supply room where they keep old potions that date back to apparently around the Rebuke. For obvious reasons, they don’t find much use but are kept for emergencies, this being that rare magical kind.   They find one that seems to be for removing curses, and decide to feed it to Horick. Downing it quickly, he waves me over and once again, I warily check him over and take his vitals; he seems totally clear, no signs of the zombie plague at all. The others celebrate briefly, then go to check on Fez. Finding him still unconscious but alive, they decide to take the rest of the night off on their own, saying they wanted to check on a few things and let Dayne Reed know what happened. I wave them off as they leave, then collapse in the break room, deciding to just leave for home on my own too. Dr. Lugnut probably wouldn’t even notice. What in the hell did I just experience?   P.S. – Writing this the next evening. I spoke with the guys next I saw them on their shift what happened. They said they want to the constabulary nearby to ask about what happened as representatives of the hospital, we having received Dakar but none of his buddies. Apparently they didn’t mention they were janitors and handymen because they showed them the cart that held their bodies; they were found with multiple fatal crushing wounds in the area to the south of town where they were apparently on some kind of job. It as a mystery at the moment they were trying to suss out.   I guess I know their names because their bodies showed up at our morgue, free of zombie infections (believe me I checked, twice over, with someone standing next to me with a club). Kren, Dakar’s brother, Loruna and elf wizard and apparently a manacite and spell addict, Devrick Sauer, some asshole Locklander, and another human named Ian Becker   Bayour, who as it turns out is Dayne’s nephew, or so he claims, says that they delivered the news to them and, was hired on the spot to replace the Blackhearts. Judging from the grumbles of the others I take it that Dayne is not a pleasant man.

Rewards Granted

  • Dayne Reed has made the party his new "Blackhearts". Wish to negotiate the name.
  • A mysterious coin was gained by Dakar with the power over undeath

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Mercy Hill Hospital and its night staff kept safe
  • Dr. Lugnut's position is securedWith Kyrnn's tragic death, Fez is next in line for Chief of Janitorial Services and Maintenance

Character(s) interacted with


  • Reports of a riot during the evening may have been exaggerated
  • The original Blackhearts mysteriously died at some point prior to the events of the night
Report Date
16 Dec 2023
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