Specter snakes | Shattered

Specter snakes

Year 568, era of the Movement

Meeraz in layers by Catoblepon

You found some forgotten papers, filled with notes about Shattered. If you are interested in these, you should ask Catoblepon by sending a message to them, either as comments in these papers or in their tavern. By seeing interest in these, they will be more excited to expand them and could make them jump in front their priority list.

These creatures are snake-like, with one pair of wings, and translucid body. They are only seen during rain, flying nearby The Creator, catching raindrops from islands with their mouths which fills their translucid bodies to be colorful. No organs can be seen on their bodies and when they die, their bodies dissolve into a liquid.

A blue winged snake that its upper body is translucent.
Specter snake by Catoblepon

Cover image: Shattered (cover) by Catoblepon


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