Rushblight Material in Pulse | World Anvil




General Notes:

  These share the effect of enhancing a person's body so that they can surpass normal limits.  


  Rushblight are fumes inhaled by those who want to alter their performance, or are maybe just looking for an expensive high. The long-term effect of these chemicals is unknown, but that doesn't stop seekers from using it out in the field. It doesn't matter, so long as they can surpass normal limits in the short term. There is always a tradeoff in using rushblight to perform. The consequences of a crash at the wrong time can lead to death, and it can also be death, depending on the inhalant. Sometimes, seekers will carry a dose of rushblight to take if things get chancy, only to take if they find their back against the wall.   Addiction abounds in competitive seeker markets. When seekers need to be nearly immortal just to make a living, it leads to people trying to find any edge they can, just to survive. When stress and tight budgets cause riskier and riskier behavior, a seeker relying on rushblight to make ends meet might have to quit the profession. However, it doesn't end there. They are reliant on rushblight, even if it is no longer necessary for them. Rushblight is expensive, so these ex-seekers turn to crime to buy more, and it only goes poorly from there.
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