Blightfoils Material in Pulse | World Anvil




General Notes:

  Each has an inherent magical quality that makes it more valuable than mundane metals. Unfortunately, getting a sufficient quantity of these metals is difficult and dangerous.  


  Blightfoils are metals smelted from minerals carrying inherently magical qualities. One would think that this would make such materials exceptionally valuable, but it is not so. Their worth is inflated due to the metals being difficult to work with and even more difficult to find a use for. Predicting how a blightfoil will interact with any given spell is tricky. Mages are notoriously reckless, but who uses a blightfoil catalyst is going a step further than the norm in regards to disregard for personal safety.   The most popular blightfoil would have to be forslone, which effectively cloaks the bearer in a magically repellant shield. It is more complicated than that, but defense against magic is one thing anyone will upend their coin purses for. Other metals are sometimes used for decoration, such as the beautiful voidshimmer, with its midnight black base, full of everlasting purple sparkles.
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