Blightbane Seeker Ranks in Pulse | World Anvil

Blightbane Seeker Ranks

Blight Seekers are the independent workers who take on Guild sanctioned jobs. The majority of Seekers hunt Blightbeasts exclusively, but some fill noncombat roles. Even these noncombatants are required to have some combat training. Seekers are grouped by “rank”. These ranks represent their accomplishments as Seekers and their experience level in the profession. There are six ranks of Seeker in total, but fewer Seekers occupy the higher ranks. The Blight Seeker all over the planet share this ranking system, with a few exceptions.   Rank Advancement: All Seekers must pass a Guild-authorized test before they can advance in rank. Not all Guild headquarters host offer these tests frequently. Tests incorporate both physical and academic portions, geared to the combat role the applicants are proficient in. Applicants may apply for testing for free once a year. If they are rejected, additional entries cost an amount proportional to the rank they hope to advance to. This fee goes to help pay for the many expenses of the Guild.   Discounts: A Seeker will receive discounts as a benefit of their membership. They receive the discounts listed for their rank and all ranks beneath them. Most discounts only apply to select products sold by businesses partnered with the Guild. Discounts are tracked by badge ID, and purchases are limited to use by the individual Seeker making the purchase. If materials are found to be given to another, then the Seeker is forced to pay a penalty fee proportional to the goods fenced, sometimes resulting in expulsion from the Guild.   Ranks:
  • Initiate
  • Ardent
  • Adept
  • Champion
  • Warden
  • @blightmare

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