Amplare Material in Pulse | World Anvil



  This substance is uncommon, and always in high demand. Amplare leylode chunks take on a bright blue appearance, and they are even denser than charke chunks, requiring more expensive tools to extract. Like charke, amplare can be processed in two directions. Despite being more potent, it is no more volatile than charke, though amplare flames do not easily burn out.   However, because of the demand, festerfonts in which it can be mined are often scoured by harvesting teams. The lucrative fuel industry breeds fierce competition. Seekers who should be comrades in the fight against the Blight compete in the fight for coin.    Uses:
  • This Blight Chunk is used in the creation of magical catalysts. A professional will use a variety of methods to reshape the material depending on the mage’s needs.
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