Monk in Paths: World of Adia | World Anvil
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Flames dance and snap as a vortex of fire whips toward a Fire Crest Elf. Taking a steadying breath, she plants her feet and rolls her shoulders. She looks relaxed even as the massive tower of fire hurdles her way. Her long hair whips in the heat and wind covering the shaved and tattooed side of her head. Flames engulf her, and she disappears from view without budging from where she stands. When the dust and flames settle, she reappears standing in the center of charred earth and grass. She is untouched.   A Cenzai with a torn ear and easy features rocks back on his tail as a masked bandit rushes him. His feet land squarely on his enemy's chest and he sends his opponent flying with a mighty kick. Wood cracks and gives way as the highwayman collides with the side of a stationary cart. Another crack sounds and the cart rocks and sways as the Orc lands heavily in the dust on the other side. The bandit groans and goes still.   Rolling out of the way of a devastating hammer swing, an agile Human rocks to her feet with ease. With a sudden shift, she blurs nearly out of sight. For her, things appear to move in slow motion as she easily side-steps a wide swing that could shatter bone to land blow after punishing blow on her would-be assassin. By the time she appears to be moving normally again, she stands back from her enemy eating a piece of fruit. With a dull thud, that massive war hammer falls to the ground to be quickly followed by its wielder.

Life of Faith

  Monks have taken the good and bad of the world in stride. Originally a split study between Humans and Cenzai, they have turned the cruel Banishment of Humans by King Malthus into a chance for collaboration and the birth of something wholly new. The end result has been a group of people steadfast in their belief that no matter how bleak a situation may seem, there is always something good to be gained from it. In this case, both Cenzai and Humans have come to learn that they are more similar than either realized and that both parties offer something to help strengthen and support the other.   Despite the hardships and, at times, difficult growth that comes with change, a Monk is prepared to face whatever comes their way with a strong heart, a clear mind, and a calm disposition. They have the creativity and resilience of a Human and the strength and agility of a Cenzai. Monks are often slow to anger, and quick to react with an agility that borders on the supernatural and a keen eye for the things that can help them on their way. No stranger to life on the road, a Monk travels light, often bringing with them only what they can carry. Like a Priest, their trust in the Fire Eternal runs deep, for they have seen the ways in which their hardships can be turned into triumphs.   A Monk is a person of action, and you can trust them to express themselves with their actions. Whether that is by showing their concern by carrying a party member's pack or displaying their righteous anger by throwing themselves into a fight, a Monk will always let their actions speak louder than their words. At times, this can cause some difficulty in dealing with those that value discussion, debate, and conversation as a Monk places value in the actions of those words and not the words or promises of others.

Unfettered Pilgrimage

  Many Monks have chosen to travel the land in a pilgrimage of sorts to pay their respects to the different churches and temples established to the Fire Eternal while helping those in need with their speed and strength. They have a deep respect for the similarities between the myriad races of their world and the ways that they could strengthen and support one another. They travel boldly and without fear through the countryside, secure in their ability to find common ground in most cases, and defend themselves in meetings turned sour. Many seek to demonstrate the things that can be gained through unity and not skin-deep differences.   Owing to their connections and status outside of major cities, many Monks travel freely from place to place. There are few towns and villages that deny entry to those seeking to pay respect to their church or temple regardless of the race of those seeking to honor their craftsmanship and service to the Fire Eternal. Though they may be greeted with suspicion at first, the candid and open nature of most Monks is often enough to diffuse any concerns about their intentions.   For most, the choice to become a Monk is a symbol of their desire to reach beyond the walls of faction and race to help build Adia into something to make the Fire Eternal proud. They have taken the current state of their home into consideration and decided that nothing would please their creator more than the races living in unity and solidarity once more. They seek to show their belief in this decision by keeping an open mind and leading by example. Some may call this worldview naive, while others might view it as revolutionary. For most Monks, it is simply common sense.

Unconventional Collaboration

  After their banishment, Roo-Boss Kojwy was among the first to offer aid to the displaced Humans. Despite his intense brooding nature, he has made it clear that he is a Cenzai with boundless compassion. Some attribute this to his intimate familiarity with how brutal and unforgiving the Society can be. Some of the Human refugees accepted into the camps and villages of his people are entirely too cognizant of the atrocities committed by both sides in the First Faction War and tread with deference and respect. In general, this has made both parties uncomfortable as most of the younger generations interact more naturally with less personal history to stiffen their interactions. It was on account of these youngsters that the mingling of the respective races martial prowess took root. It began with a young Human supplementing their weaker legs with a staff to emulate a Cenzai leap and quickly grew from there as the elders of the races recognized the potential to learn from and embrace one another as kin. Together Lortran, the rising Human leader, and Roo-Boss Kojwy have organized formal training for those wishing to walk the path of the Monk.

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