Prose of the World

Here lies prose of the world, organised by region.  



A Song for a King

In the valleys of old Myvora,
A battle it held on high,
One side is regal, the other rebellion,
But always the end was nigh,
  The old king sullied our nation's name,
He sought nothin' but his own fame,
And now House Leivron is on the throne,
For the old sins they must atone.
  Oh, search for the answers with this old soul,
The Obsidian Forge and the harshest of cold,
The strength of a nation is on his side,
While he walks down, the promenade with pride,
  The kind face of a leader is always a breather,
From the grindstones and mills,
No more shall face him in battle neither,
After stories of the Battle of Hills.
  King Leivron is kind, King Leivron is just,
He has been mighty, he's done what he must,
Oh, but always rebellion has been at his back,
And slowly, and slowly, the enemies stack.
  Oh, search for the answers with this old soul,
The Obsidian Forge and the harshest of cold,
The strength of a nation is on his side,
While he walks down, the promenade with pride,


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