
This article is a living document with many different elements being added as the lexicon expands. Partiuclarly as it was written during WorldEmber, the focus of lexicon and translations and documents will come eventually, but for the current time, the focus is on developing the basics of the language.
  Al-Havemna is a language that has been derived from two key languages and their dialects and has become a language dedicated for each of the many different cultures that reside on Kyradon.  


The true creation of Al-Havemna stands as a minor mystery for the people of the world. While the reasoning for its creation is important, it is unclear when it emerged as its own language rather than a dialect of the Common tounge. However, it is confimed that by at least 642 AR there were examples of Al-Havemna written by a variety of people in Kyradon.   When researched by scholars, Al-Havemna seems to be derived quite significantly from the Elvish language, later inspiring the dialect of Light Elvish, and the Commonspeech family of languages. The fusing of these languages has led to elements that seem similar from each of the other languages and the inclusion of many similar words with altered meanings based on the other language.   As of 755 AR there are around 1.4 million native speaks of Al-Havemna, most of whom reside on Kyradon or have some Kyradion descent in their history. By many accounts, those who speak some variant of the Commonspeak and Elvish languages are able to comprehend enough of the languge to put together some sembelncen of context surrounding the  


There are two main dialects of Al-Havemna, Qen'la and Maorana. Each of them seem to stem from regional differences in the langugage, however, another major factor in the development of each of the dialects is their use as a social class based differentiation.  


Sometimes referred to as Low Havemnan, Qen'la has a more harsh sounding tone that is focused on the speed at which the dialect can be said, Often spoken by the market traders and common folk of Kyradon, the vast majority of Al-Havenmnan speakers use the Qen'lan dialect. Its origins stemming from the Qen'la Valley in northern Kyradon as a quick way of speaking about different trades and agreements for food and water. Since then it spread among the commonfolk as being a bright alternative to formal Al-Havemnan.


Often reffered to as Middle Havemnan, Maorana is a more fluid version of the language that steers closer to langauge's Elvish roots. Often spoken by those of Light Elvish descent, Maorana has become the bridging language between Al-Havemna and Light Elvish, particularly in the inspiration of phonology and word formation. Each word seems to be given additional sounds to make the phrasing flow and seems to lessen its use of stop phonemes. First spoken among the dense jungles in Kyradon, the dialect grew among a thriving middle and upper class as a way to communicate with those both below and above them, hence its name Al-Havemna Maorana , which translates to "the between language".


1 Words.
Language Family Havemnan
Common Dialects Qen'la
Script Kar'naris
Spoken By Human
inhabitants of Kyradon
Number of Speakers ~ 1.4 Million (Native)



Consonant Inventory:
m n t c k q ʔ b d g f s ʃ h v z l j r ɬ θ ð ʤ ʒ
The consonants of the language are inspired by several natlangs, with the goal of creating a language that can be both harsh and soft depending on the way in which they are combined in a word.
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n
Stop b t d c k g q ʔ
Affricate ʤ
Fricative f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ h
Approximant l j
Trill r
Lateral fricative ɬ


Vowel Inventory:
a e i o ə aː eː iː oː ae ai ao ea ei eo ia ie io oa oe oi
The vowels within Al-Havemna were specifically chosen because of their simplicity, nearly forming the classic five vowel system. However, it should be noted that there is a great use of front vowels, this has developed as a result of the intense heat of Kyradon, allowing for a person to speak even if they struggle due to the immense heat restricting the movement of the lips.
Vowels Front Central Back
High i iː
High-Mid e eː o oː
Mid ə
Low a aː
ae ai ao
ea ei eo
ia ie io
oa oe oi


Syllable Structure
  1. The syllable structure is (C)(C)V(C)(C)(C).
  2. C contains all avaliable consonants.
  3. V contains all vowels, including dipthongs.
  4. Consonants of the same Manner, never cluster.
  5. In the Coda, consonants of lower sonority, never cluster.
  6. ʔ should only appear in the form VʔV. Only exception is if it appears with a nasal on either side.
Stress Pattern
Final - The stress of a word most often falls on the final syllable of the word. When unspecified default to this normal.
m → <m>
n → <n>
t → <t>
c → <x>
k → <k>
q → <q>
ʔ → <'>
b → <b>
d → <d>
g → <g>
f → <f>
s → <s>
ʃ → <sh>
h → <h>
v → <v>
z → <z>
l → <l>
j → <j>
r → <r>
ɬ → <hl>
θ → <th>
ð → <dh>
ʤ → <dj>
ʒ → <zh>
a → <a>
e → <e>
i → <i>
o → <o>
ə → <o>
aː → <ā>
eː → <ē>
iː → <ī>
oː → <ō>


Word Order: Verb-Subject-Order
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: Preposition


Nouns have four possible cases:
  1. Nominative Case: Doer of a verb
  2. Accusative Case: Done-to of a verb
  3. Genitive Case: possessor of something
  4. Dative Case: recipient of something
Case Singular Dual Plural
Nominative No Affix Suffix /-aq Suffix /-esqa/
Accusative Prefix: /car-/ Suffix: /-maq/ Suffix: /-nel/
Genitive Suffix: /-aqt/ Suffix: /-aqta/ Suffix: /-aktra/
Dative Prefix: /ver-/ Prefix: /qal-/ Prefix: /veqra-/


Singular Plural
Definite al /al/
afzha /af'ʒa/
Indefinite āhl /aːɬ/
mar'o /mar'ʔo/
  Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Used to talk about countable nouns, but not mass nouns.
  • Used with for languages.
  • Used with place names.


1st Singular 2nd Singular 3rd Singular 1st Dual 2nd Dual 3rd Dual 1st Plural 2nd Plural 3rd Plural
āqa /aːqa/ qais /qais/ moranos /mo'ranos/ maroq /ma'roq/ aldhor /al'ðor/ evra'is /evra'ʔis/ qren /qren/ tokran /tok'ran/ nosratha /nos'ratha/


Tense Affix
Past Suffix: /-anja/
Present No Affix
Future Particle after the verb: /- mora/

Possessive Determiners

Singular mjaro /mja'ro/
Dual kōrna /koːr'na/
Plural hlosra /ɬos'ra/


Al-Havemna has a base-8 number system.
0 - nor
1 - djar
2 - qer
3 - rojin
4 - mora
5 - radjar
6 - qerensa
7 - roji'ma
8 - karmora
64 - karnimos
512 - qenranga

Writing System

For more information, look at Kar'naris   For the first several decades of its existence as a language, Al-Havemna used the Leith'rael writing system, stolen from the Elvish family of languages and utilised to fill in words and phrases as they were spoken. However it soon became clear that certain sounds were unable to be writing using this system and that using the writing system as it stood wouldn't make sense based on the way people utilised language.   Initially, people started to use take the abugida system and tried to use some of the symbols to represent the different individual consonant sounds that they used. While this worked for a time, it made more and more sense to create their own inspired glyphs and speficic writing system. Eventually, about two decades after the adpotion of Al-Havemna as a language, the Kar'naris system was developed. Running from top to bottom, right to left, the system was mostly designed to write onto stone pllars, but over time was adapted and formalised for use as a written medium using a specialised quill that would allow for the correct strokes to be made.  


This section contains the spellings of words and their meanings as written in the root Al-Havemnan language. While each may have their own meaning in the various dialects, the meanings, spellings, and words collected here are meant to represent this particular language.  
adj. adjective | adv. adverb | art. article | conj. conjunction | det. determiner | interj. interjection | n. noun | num. numeral | prep. preposition | pron. pronoun | v. verb


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Dec 5, 2023 17:57 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I kind of love that this is sort of an in-world conlang, and I love even more that there are two specific dialects of it. You've done such great work explaining things about the language in the article. I would love to know more about the whys, though. You said the reasoning for its creation is important but not what that is.

Dec 5, 2023 18:22 by Owen Davies

That's something that is best explained during the continent of Kyradon which is coming soon...

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