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Hellenic Pantheon

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The Pantheon of Mythoversal Hellas is a hierarchy of immortal beings that can be categorized into castes or hosts of similar origin and/or function.   The Age of Heroes is set in Fourth Age of the Hellenic World, when the Olympian Host rules over the rest, and Zeus is universally acknowledged as sovereign over the entire cosmos.   Because the gods are immortal, multiple generations exist together. Some groups predate the Olympians, while others descend from them.

Divine Hosts


The Protogenoi

  These deities, collectively, form the substance of the cosmos. During the First Age, they evolved from Primordial Chaos into a system of physical laws, abstract concepts, energy, and matter capable of supporting human life. These entities seldom if ever appear in human form.  


  The Titans were the first pantheon of twelve sons and daughters of Earth and Sky who ruled over the Cosmos during the Second Age after one of their number, Kronos, overthrew the Sky and took his place. Titanic offspring included the first six Olympians, who in turn overthrew the existing order and cast many of the elder Titans into the eternal prison of Tartarus.  


  A group of deities led by Zeus, who overthrew his father to become King of the Cosmos at the start of the Third Age. Twelve Olympians rule the Heavens while other established Sea and Underworld kingdoms. Together, these three kingdoms surround the world of mortals and influence all human activities.  


  Deities of thought and creativity who provide humans with all mental capacity that uplifts them from other animals.  


  Goddesses of blood vengeance who torture and kill any who violate the laws against killing one's own kin.  


  A numerous class of spirits, usually coded female, who control aspects of nature on a micro level.  

Evolution Over Time

  Cultures in the Mythoverse evolve in stages following a similar trend, from a world balanced toward powerful gods to a world balanced toward human history and science, from a monocultural land to a section of a multicultural world.  

First Age Hellas

  First Age Hellas is the time of creation including the Golden Age of mankind. In this era, the Protogenoi dominate, ruled by Ouranos, Lord of the Sky. The First Age ends with the successful coup by the Titan Kronos, aided by his mother, Gaia. The spilling of Ouranos's blood onto the surface of Gaia led to the creation of the Gigantes and Erinyes on land, and Aphrodite in the sea.  

Second Age Hellas

  Second Age Hellas is a myth within a myth, a time of early gods and the Silver Age of monocultural mankind. This era is dominated by the Titans, ruled by Kronos. The future Olympians, born during this age, were suppressed by Kronos, who foresaw that they would end his rule. The Second Age ends with the successful coup by Olympian Zeus, aided by his mother, Rhea.  

Third Age Hellas

  Third Age Hellas is a proto-mythic world before the Deluge. This era is one of power battles between the Olympians and Titans in the Titanomachy War, and then between the Olympians and Gigantes in the Gigantomachy War. The end of the era sees Zeus claim unchallenged supremacy, as mankind is wiped out by a flood and is forced to start over with Deucalion and Pyrrha.  

Fourth Age Hellas

  Fourth Age Hellas is the Age of Heroes, including stories of mythology between the Deluge and the end of the Epic Cycle. Tales of this time include interaction with lands and peoples known to or visited by the Mycenaeans. This includes the Troad where the Trojan War was fought, the Scythian steppes of the Amazon clans, Hyperborean Lands of the north, Aegyptus to the south, the Coastlands to the east, India to the far east, and Ethiopia.   Fourth Age Roma is an alternate version of Fourth Age Hellas with many of the same key events along with some others.  

Fifth Age Hellas

  The Fifth Age of any mythology takes place in a historical world governed by science, in which any interaction believers have with the supernatural can be dismissed by skeptics as delusion, deception, or superstition. Different world cultures emerge into the Fifth Age at different times relative to the present, creating a borderlands between reality and myth and between alternate mythoverses. Changes in doctrine during the Fifth Age can create retroactive changes in events of the previous ages, due to the fluid nature of myth.   Fifth Age Hellas is the historical culture in which the Hellenic religion was practiced and where myths of a magical past were sometimes still taken literally. Starting in Archaic Greece, this territory spread throughout the Hellenized world after the conquests of Alexander the Great, and was curtailed by the spread of Christianity.  

Sixth Age Hellas

  The Sixth Age is one in which a culture has moved on from belief in these gods, either in favor of other religious systems or a secular society. The old stories persist as entertainment, in academic circles, and in the cultural background of new story forms. This is the current Age of Hellas.
Religious, Divine Host

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