Zauyrian - aka Sal-Zayr Species in Miurag | World Anvil

Zauyrian - aka Sal-Zayr

Zauyrian are bipedal sentient, tribal race with mild magical essence but a far-traveling Vis. Average lifespan is 75 years. They age very quickly; their prime and beauty in comparison to other races and each other is brief. Their eyes are small and varied in shape; their ears are blunt and round. Their skin is smooth but often covered in patches of hair; scars easily. They have no tail.


General Appearance

Hair is black or dark brown; skin tone ranges from brown to black; darker shades of eyes are common, though hazel/blue/green are possible. Eyes have moderate epicanthal fold and palpebral slant.

Zauyrian are a moderate-sized breed. Men are consistently taller and larger than women; childbirth carries greater risk for Zauyrian women, especially if carrying a son. Birth by “mage surgery” was first developed in this region on account. Men grow none or thin facial hair.


Culture and Heritage

Geographic origin: Southeast quadrant of the continent, The Red Desert.

This breed of Human is localized to south arid climates and coastlines. Communities are smaller for the rare water and vast distances to travel in between, but they make good use of the land they know best.



Zauyrian have a strong magical heritage. Mages are known for death, life, and mystical magic, divine and arcane studies, and elemental sorcery (air, fire, earth, water). Weakest elemental magic is Water. Not known for shamanistic practices.

Psionics are extremely rare in this breed, almost nothing is known of psionic Zauyrians. Chance of insanity is high.

Also called:
Sal-Zayr (originating in Paxia)
Zayrian (derivative, current Desert)
South East of the Continent
Dark hair and skin tone, dark eyes with epicanthal fold and palpebral slant.
~75 years

Cover image: by Axelotl
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