Stills Condition in Misremembered Realms | World Anvil


For creatures so closely tied to the Correllon who takes such pride in their mutability, there are few things that can be as subtly frightening as loosing that connection. Such is the case with the elves most closely tied to Faerie and Stills. Stills is so named because it stills the elves' ability to change into different seasons. It's existence is virtually unknown outside of the elven communities in Faerie, and even among their people it is not widely known. They view it as a sign of their god's disfavor and so, if afflicted, will hide the fact as long as possible. They will instead claim that they are staying in the season that suits them best, or some other similar lie. Due to those afflicted hiding it, no one knows how long it has been going on. The earliest case known is thought to have been discovered 50 years ago, but even that was only found out recently due to a growing number of cases. Some few in the elven Faerie communities are taking it very seriously and are sending out expeditions in hopes of finding out more about the cause, and hopefully, a cure.

Transmission & Vectors

No one knows how or why it spreads, or if is even transmitted or not. It seems to be random in whom it afflicts. It is unknown if this is because there is no pattern, or if there is a pattern and it can't be seen since those inflicted hide it so the condition can not be properly studied or documented.




Inability for the affected to change their season.

Cultural Reception

The reactions of fellow elves who meet someone with the Stills range from disbelief, to pity, to contempt, to complete disgust. All of this usually an attempt to hide the fear that it could happen to them. This is rare, however as any who are afflicted do their best to hide it, oftentimes by self exile for fear of being discovered.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare


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