pyûnf prû men

And the Sky cracks open to reveal the great beyond once more, signifying the beginning of the end, the end of the beginning.

Within the nexus and beyond, there exists an abundance of prophetic writings told or written by the native seers and oracles to the world. Some prophecies speak of a return of something lost, and some tell of a child destined for great things. Still, others tell of events of apocalyptic significance, events that could spell the end of all that is. But even those would only spell the death of a world, a galaxy, or perhaps a multiverse at the most significant scale. Except for one single prophecy, pyûnf prû men or Twilight of Imagination in common, an ancient prophecy once said to be the end of all there is.


The events rergarding the original prophecy of pyûnf prû men were lost to history, but certian details were revealed to be a part of the prophecy. They are as follows:
  • The Travellers who saw the end are born anew
  • The cure for the original Sin is discovered anew
  • The Daughter of Imagination vanishes without a trace
  • A wanderer from the future provides aid to the present
  • The Daughter of Prometheus returns and reclaims her mantle
  • A Brother Betrays a Brother
  • The Lock is reunited with The Key as the sky cracks open to reveal the great beyond once more, signifying the beginning of the end, the end of the beginning.
  • An Ancient Evil is unleashed as individuals chosen by each of the Celestials do battle with the Vanguard
  • Brothers and Sisters of Light and Darkness join forces to stop the Evil from draining the tree of Imagination
  • The Sins of the Past and Present are absolved as the land of Purity is restored.
  • Historical Basis

    The Observer and the Morai had prophesized this series of events since the fall, but no one understood the true meaning of the Prophecy until the year 4080 at the tail end of the Previous Era. Though certain events occurred before then. Translating Literal Meaning from Prophecy has always been less than simple, but now that this Prophecy has gone from simple legend to straight-up history we can take the Prophecy and tie it to its historical counterparts:
  • The Travellers who saw the end are born anew
  • This was fulfilled when the Celestial Scientist Damien, The Daughter of Creation Edenia, Cryphone's Protegee Laplus, and Sephiron's Protegee Hanaka all were reincarnated fully during the 5th era.
  • The cure for the original Sin is discovered anew
  • This criterion was fulfilled when Damien, Edenia, and Kizuna went and found Iris within the Domains, the embodiment of Puretix Energies, the sister and opposite of Corruptix.
  • The Daughter of Imagination vanishes without a trace
  • This criterion was fulfilled by Menevelon, the Vessel of Justice used the Core of Domination along with other power to absorb and erase 98% of the Nexus and beyond in one fell swoop.
  • A wanderer from the future provides aid to the present
  • This was revealed to be referring to the arrival of Aurora AI from the distant future, who helped guide her father and the others down the path to defeat the Vanguard
  • The Daughter of Prometheus returns from worlds unknown and reclaims her mantle.
  • This likely referred to Eliza's return to the Dimensional Zones from the Anomaly found in the Collision Field.
  • A Brother Betrays a Brother
  • This was originally thought to be referring to Evil's Betrayal of Good during the first era, but in reality, this referred to Enigma's Betrayal of David Auctor in an attempt to keep everyone's focus away from the Lab of the Ancients as he made his final Preparations.
  • The Lock is reunited with The Key as the sky cracks open to reveal the great beyond once more, signifying the beginning of the end, the end of the beginning.
  • This was revealed to refer to the barriers surrounding the Nexus beginning to fall after Enigma used Su Deweep, an embodiment of the barriers across the entire Extraverse, to tear down the barriers keeping the Nexus isolated from everywhere else.
  • An Ancient Evil is unleashed as individuals chosen by each of the Celestials do battle with the Vanguard
  • Originally this was believed to refer to the battle Evil would wage against the Bond Holders. However, it was revealed in the year 4080 that the ancient Evil the Observers and the Morai were referring to was, in fact not David, but rather it was Menevelon, the Vanguard of the End.
  • Brothers and Sisters of Light and Darkness join forces to stop the Evil from draining the tree of Imagination
  • While there was not an established interpretation for this set of events before the Prophecy was fulfilled, there actually happens to be two potential historical interpretations for this one: The Heralds and Archfiends joining forces to stop Menevelon, and the Celestials working together with the Fallen counterparts in order to prevent Menevelon from draining the energies of the Imaginary Tree.
  • The Sins of the Past and Present are absolved as the land of Purity is restored.
  • This could only refer to the culmination of the Eden Project and the restoration of the Core of EDEN, along with Corruptix and Puretix working together to purge both themselves and the Fallen of the Original Curse.   While this covers all the details mentioned in the Prophecy, there are some details that were not mentioned in either the original Prophecy detailed by the Morai and the Observer or the modern interpretations told by those of Management. Most notable was the fact that even after Twilight of Imagination was resolved, only some of the lives that were lost in the battle with the Vanguard returned. Those who persisted after the downfall of the Vanguard and the resolution of Twilight of Imagination became known in the current era as The Remaining. It also did not prophesize the return of Franklin and Gordon from the Domains of Dhonirom, both of which provided aid along with Cyan and Nori in dispatching with the Domination Puppets summoned by the Vanguard of the End Menevelon.


    The Legend of pyûnf prû men was originally spread by the Observer and the Morai down to those of the 5th race. Unfortunately after the loss of the Lost Continent, the original texts shared to the Children of Babylon were lost. However, on his many journeys Merlin was able to pieces together some of the prophecy with the help of his Muse Bele. Unfortunately for Merlin, as it turned out, Bele was intentionally misleading Merlin on the true nature of the Prophecy as Bele was one of the Fallen Celestials and he did not wish for the 5th race to succeed. After discovering Bele's betrayal, Merlin scattered his research all across the Nexus and the Non-Material planes above it. It was here where Leonardo Watch first stumbled upon the notebooks detailing the events of wɛslaɪ̯ toʊ̯ loʊ̯ as well as of the Bond Holdsers who would serve as integral pieces required to resolve this impending crisis.

    Variations & Mutation

    Due to the fact Leonardo Watch did not have the ability to check the Primary Source of the Legend when they first found it, they first believed it was depicting the events that would occur when Evil broke out of containment, not the battle between the Vanguard of the End. This helped cement the perception of David Auctor being the origin of all Evil. Which Inadvertendly helped Enigma keep all heat off him while he worked towards fulfilling his one agenda.

    This is a Stub

    History is written by the victors, but those who do not know the truth are condemned to repeat the mistakes of those who came before them

    This entry is a Stub and will be expanded on in the future.

    Rift Born Entry

    Welcome to the Genesis Chamber, the front door to the Nexus

    This entry is for a Rift Born, an entity who has arrived here via the Genesis Chamber. Their story has only just begun, so expect this entry to be updated quite often as their story unfolds within the vast expanse.

    WIP Character Entry

    Your story has only just begun.

    This is an entry about an individual who's story is only just begun and will be expanded upon regularly. Be sure to check back often as there might be new things to learn about this particular individual.

    Believed Wheel of Prophecy
    True Wheel of Prophecy
    Potential Hazard
    Date of First Recording
    Unknown Date, Post Fall
    Date of Setting
    A5 Y4080
    Related Species
    Related Locations


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