Desert elves | Lost Waves

Desert Elves

Elves have been around in the Sa'ar Desert for thousands of years before the first humans decided to inhabit the inhospitable lands. Their ability to adapt created the sand elves who are particularily suided for the environment, but others have settled here as well.


Major language groups and dialects

The local version of Elvish is influenced by the sounds of Sha'ree, including a lot of loanwords. It is mutually intelligible with other forms of elvish with some effort. However, speakers of Sha'ree are unlikely to understand any of the dialects. Even the loanwords are often distorted enough to not be immediately recognisable.

Culture and cultural heritage

The elves of the region are very tied to the idea of elemental powers and have a great sense of connection with the elemental planes. This is sometimes stronger than their connection with nature, something that might confuse elves of different regions.   Unlike the main Sha'ree culture, desert elves don't focus as much on the gods. They recognise both the natural and the political power of Amaunator within the desert, but they don't submit to it as much. this has resulted in an occasional sceptical attitude to the Sh'areen Caliphate as an institution. They mostly prefer to stay out of such matters.

Shared customary codes and values

They share the general culture's veneration of devotion but value the intensity over the reliability. This attitude means they share all the same open-minded attitude towards love, but not so much the strict respect for hierarchies. This creates some friction when they encounter nobility.   All desert elves will care about someone who struggles with something in life. But unlike the support provided by Sh'reen families, the elves are more likely to only provide emotional support.

Common Dress code

it is very common with extravagant, coloured silks as part of their clothing. This goes double for any High Elf. Apart from that, much of what goes for the Sh'reen society around them goes for the desert elves as well.

Art & Architecture

Like most elven cultures, desert elves build structures intended to last for centuries or more. And there is no point in building anything if it can't also be made beautiful. Tall arches and slender, decorated structures are made to complement nature around them.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Mysticism and astrology are common traditions amongst the desert elves.

Coming of Age Rites

The First Reflection marks the end of childhood for elves here as well as everywhere.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The death of an elf is seen as a very natural part of life, especially in these harsh lands. Their soul will be reborn and there is little reason to mourn. Rather their life is celebrated with a great feast.


Beauty Ideals

Most elves in the region strive towards being like the winds of the desert. They consider looking a bit wind-swept a sign of being able to handle the elements. The sand elves have this complexion naturally, but others are also considered more attractive if they are a bit sand-coloured.

Gender Ideals

Desert elves prefer to present in an androgynous way and some might not even be able to differentiate between different genders. This also means that they have an easy time interacting with the Sh'reen culture's third gender.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is expected to be very romantic and show dedication to spend centuries together. Some of these expressions might even border what others would see as too melodramatic, but it is all part of showing devotion.

Relationship Ideals

Over the course of their lifetimes, these elves tend to have many relationships, including sometimes concurrent ones. This helps the community to stick together and form a sense of strong kinship. Especially when individuals recognise the souls of previous partners from earlier lives during meditation.

Major organizations

House Nyelandir is an excellent example of how desert elves might find themselves involved in Caliphate business but stilly try to stay out of it. From the outside, it might look like the house is trying to play all sides by remaining neutral in conflicts. In reality, it has as much to do with their cultural reluctance to deal with the politics of the gods.

Common names
Estronen, Laia'ar, Lestolka, Mar'nal, Molaran, Mystrala, Ninona, Shianell

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