Cresent Moon Tea | Lost Waves

Crescent Moon Tree

Redeemed by Nathalia Books
This tree grows in areas where animals frequently die. Blood or decaying flesh seems to be essential for it to sprout its first leaves. It becomes much hardier as it grows larger. The presence of death, especially undeath, seems to help the plant develop. This means that finding one often includes faceing the undead.   The bark is white, almost bone coloured. The leaves are reddish like dried blood and in the shape of crescents, giving the plant its name. A black fruit, similar in shape to an apple, grows on the tree, but it is highly poisonous to humanoids.

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Uses, Products & Exploitation

Those who have use for poisons sometimes try to harvest the fruits of this tree, but the dangers of preparing it often scare even those people away. There are also those who have tried brewing tea on the strange leaves. The flavour is a bitter taste with much iron. But it is also hard to find the right dosage. Too little and all you get is nausea. Too much and you might die from the poison. Just right and you might gain visions that grant insights or madness.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most common in central Allowadh, especially in and near Krenid.
100 years
Average Height
250 cm


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