Kelketenta Rank/Title in Iphars | World Anvil


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Urabi Kiracina & Eranada Ilinea
kelketenta (gatherer in charge means)   They are the two co-leaders of the gatherers of the past which also makes them the rulers of the Etetol town. The rank has two subdivision:
  • Ashtarian division - it takes care of the ashtarians of the organization and the underwater parts of the towns as well as water trade rutes in and out the town.
  • Ipharian division - it takes care of the pharians of the organization adn the terrestrial part of the town, as well as trading routes to over land.
  • Decisions related to both parts of the organization has to be taken with agreement of both kelketenta, such as organizing an expedition to one of the ruins.   Changing a kelketenta is a decision made by both the kelketenta and the rank tends to pass onto the right hand of the kelketenta. The process of changing them is fairly simple, the old kelketenta will let know the whole organization about the change and in a couple weeks time, the new kelketenta will start working. During these couple of weeks, the old kelketenta will be teaching the future new kelketenta everything it needs to know as well as leaving all prepared for the change.   Becoming a kelketenta means one cannot go on expedition anymore, as they will be too busy with the responsabilities of a kelketenta to leave town and everyone one their own for whatever lenght the mission might be. It is required for security of both the kelketenta and the town that both of them stay on town or nearbies at all times.   The rank wasn't made official between the organization till the second kelketenta was added. Before that, the organization was based on trust and loyalty, afterwards, as the organization quickly grew, the rank was officialized to make sure everyone knew who was in charge and avoid fake news or rumours in between the organization.
    This article requires editing. If you are interested in it, let me know either in Discord (such as in my discord or in my DMs) or as a comment here.

    Cover image: by Vertixico


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