
Yaldabaoth, born from the darkest thoughts of Abraxas and the deepest, coldest corners of the universe, grew into a haughty being, convinced of his sole existence. Claiming the vastness of space and cosmos as his home, he began creating universes, crafting them to resemble the place he emerged from. To illuminate his creations, he birthed stars, the sun, and planets, except for one he sought to rule unchallenged—an entire domain he yearned to reign over eternally. To achieve this, he formed seven archons to assist in the creation of this realm, later known as Earth.   Over seven days, Yaldabaoth labored to shape Earth, but on the eighth day, he discovered a mysterious garden and a magnificent tree he had not created. His archons were unable to face it without being destroyed, and this filled Yaldabaoth with fear. In an attempt to mirror the tree's beauty, he crafted a similar one but failed in his endeavor.   On the tenth day of Earth's existence, Yaldabaoth encountered yet another enigma within the garden—a lifeform he did not create, possessing strength equal to his own. The terror of this encounter shook him profoundly, leading him to introduce himself to this being as the creator of Earth and everything, declaring himself a deity of unparalleled power. He promised the being a wife named Lilith, described as more beautiful than light itself, and fashioned her into existence. Yaldabaoth, however, cautioned both the being and Lilith against partaking of the Tree of Knowledge within the garden, warning them that such an act would bring about death. Instead, he urged them to eat from the Tree of Life, which would drain power from the source. On the 19th day, Yaldabaoth discovered Lilith missing, replaced by a woman bearing her likeness but possessing the same power as the being before eating from the Tree of Life. He reminded them once more to avoid the Tree of Knowledge, for it would lead to their demise, encouraging them to partake of the Tree of Life instead. The enigmatic tale of Yaldabaoth, Earth, and its inhabitants unfolds with twists and enigmas that stretch the boundaries of creation and power.



Son (Trivial)

Towards Abraxas




Mother (Vital)

Towards Yaldbaoth




Brother (Trivial)

Towards Yaldbaoth




Brother (Vital)

Towards Lucifer




Brother (Vital)

Towards Yaldbaoth




Brother (Trivial)

Towards Adam



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