Walpurgisnacht Tradition / Ritual in Foreign realms. | World Anvil


During the night of Walpurgisnacht, the veil between this realm and the ethereal realm is at its thinnest. To ward the living from the dead, a set of logs must be burned to both lure and protect against the creatures of the other realms. Every year, amongst the crowd, a group of defenders is chosen to defend the logs against any invaders if they present themselves. Should all the logs be extinguished, the ghosts shall have free reign until the next Walpurgisnacht. It should be obvious that this is not a good thing.


When spirits return to invade the world of the living, it is our duty to defend the weak. Defending the living is the duty of those whom follow Bearism.


As the evening falls, those present gather around a large bonfire. No torches or laterns are lit, nor is there any magical means of light. Around the fire are 5 logs. These logs must be pushed into the bonfire from all sides so they start to slowly burn up, and create a star in the fire. The youngest present is then to light the first torch from the created bonfire, and use it to light the lanterns and torches around the ceremony. Others may also approach the bearer of the torch to light their own source of light.   As the current leader starts to chant the incantation, among the crowd one or more people must step forth to protect him and the logs from extra-planar intervention. As the incantation continues, spirits may come forth and must be defeated.   The following morning, when the fire has died down, its ashes may be used for the Imbas forosnai


The current leader ( Varya ) must perform the incantation, which takes up to an hour to complete. Among the crowd, one or more people must come forth to defend the leader from whatever may emerge to disrupt the ritual.


Once per year.


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