Apollon MacLeto Character in Felialma | World Anvil
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Apollon MacLeto

Apollon MacLeto

Apollon became known in the public eye at age 16, when he challenged Briennus Rottborne of the powerful Rottborne noble family in court and won.   More recently, Apollon also became known as the first person in recorded history to give birth to three children at once.   Is he proud that all his public achievements revolve around his uterus? It is still better than being the one humiliated in court...

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It all started when Apollon's mother, Artemisia MacLeto, decided she wanted a child. She had no partners of her own (she worked better alone and had no interest in romance), though, so she asked her best friend Thorvald Holm if he would be up for it. Thorvald had one wife, who was pregnant with their first child, but he was honoured to be chosen in such way (they had “fooled around” plenty of times in their school days and he remembered those times fondly). Thorvald’s wife agreed they could give it a go, and so Artemisia and Thorvald spent the next few months planning when and how they would do it. In the meantime, Thorvald and Hilda’s daughter, Freja, was born.   The plan led to a series of intimate fun from Artemisia’s birthday (27 Thasmes) to New Year’s day (34 Thasmes). To make this possible, Artemisia spent the holiday period with Thorvald and Hilda, helping to take care of little Freja in exchange for fun times with her chosen partner (though, as supportive as she was of the idea, Hilda declined to take part in the fun). Artemisia’s pregnancy was confirmed over a month later, and the baby was born exactly a year after his older half-sister (completely by coincidence). At the time, the baby was called Diana, however after 12 years the child would grown into a male identity and change his name to Apollon.   Artemisia moved around a lot, living life as a wondering artist who refused to settle down. However, once Apollon entered Butterfly Education, she thought it would be better for him to go through school all in the same place. The family ended up in West Tolona, and Apollon joined the local Butterfly school (it was his first time publicly presenting as male as well).   Around that time, Artemisia had an (entirely consensual) affair with a man named Gustav Kraut. Apollon's younger sister, Diana, was born from this affair. Artemisia and Gustav remained friends, and although Gustav made some effort to be a part of Diana’s life, he and Artemisia agreed it would be better if he did not try to become a proper father figure (just as in the case of Apollon and Thorvald).   Apollon was already 14 when his sister was born, so he naturally become more like a parental figure than a sibling to young Diana. If nothing else, the experience taught Apollon that he would like to have many children of his own some day.   That someday came sooner than he expected, thanks to Apollon’s highly sexually charged affair with Briennus Rottborne, a classmate who also happened to be part of the old nobility. Although Apollon tried to be careful, he eventually ended up pregnant at the age of 15. At first he thought it was an accident, so he approached Briennus to tell him the news and that he was going to get an abortion. He expected Briennus to apologise and be as worried by this "accident" as he was, maybe even stop any future sexual encounters.   What he heard instead was Briennus's laughter and celebration. The guy (a teenager the same age as him) had wanted Apollon pregnant all along. Briennus admitted to taking out his condom many times while they were together. He wanted Apollon to give him a child he could use as his "Virility Test" so that he could get married as soon as he graduated school. Apollon was so angry at his friend's betrayal that he punched him on the face and stormed out.   The meeting with Briennus gave Apollon even more reason to go forward with the abortion. However, his somewhat immature 15 year-old brain decided it would be an even better idea if he could have the child like Briennus wanted, but not let him use them for the reasons he wanted. Apollon was going to be a teenage mother (with his mother's full support), if that was what it took to humiliate a noble.   Apollon went to court as soon as his daughter Daphne was born. Gustav Kraut, his half-sister's celebrity father, knew a great lawyer who was keen to help the case. With said lawyer's help, the court gave full custody of Daphne to Apollon and anulled Briennus’s “Proof of Virility” (though Briennus sort of helped Apollon's case when he boasted about taking off the condom so stealthy that Apollon never realised what was going on).   During Apollon's pregnancy, he and Artemisia hosted an exchange student from Rarzath, Zhiddezoe, who was a few years older than Apollon. They ended up falling in love, and the student stayed with Apollon even after his exchange programme ended. When Apollon graduated Butterfly education, the couple got officially married and moved to a new house with Daphne (the money to buy said house came from Briennus’s reparation funds for the stress he caused on Apollon by forcing him to go through with the pregnancy). It was time they started their own family.   Apollon and Zhiddezoe were so enthusiastic about starting their family that Apollo realised he was pregnant again barely a month after moving to the new house. The first exams indicated three heartbeats inside Apollon's uterus. Since humans usually only have one child at a time (at most two, in the rarest circumstances), doctors thought it was some kind of error with the machine and told Apollon to come back in another month. The three heartbeats were still there a month later, and ultrasound examinations showed three babies as clearly as an ultrasound exam could show anything. After another month with the same results, doctors could not ignore this any longer.   Apollon's case was studied closely by doctors from all over West Tolona, though they were careful about leaking information to the media until the babies were actually born. Nobody understood why and how Apollon managed to conceive (and fit) three babies at once. No exam showed anything strange. The triplets were born between 4 and 4:15 in the morning, the whole birth dully filmed by the research doctors. Thakuezal is the oldest, followed by Nudarjil (both assigned female, though Nudarjil would later turn out to be male) and lastly Hyacint. They were born premature and stayed in the hospital for four months before they were strong enough to be taken home.   And then the media storm hit in full. Apollon, Zhiddezoe, and all doctors involved were interviewed in everything from news broadcasts to talk shows until the triplet's first birthday (at which point Apollon's friendly lawyer got a restraining order so that the children's first birthday would not be swarmed by journalists). But just when the media's attention was about to turn away for good, his half-sister Freja, who had moved to Oviexo a few years earlier, gave birth to four babies at once.   The media exploded all over them again. What was up with this family who could generate so many babies at once? What was so special about Apollon and Freja? Even their father, who was by that point a retired man living in a different continent, was constantly harassed about his genetic make-up. Some speculated it was a sign that the old deities were returning to the world, but that theory was dismissed by all the respectable people who "knew better".   The media only truly let go of Apollon and Freja when another family in Oviexo, the Shitara Watkins, had five babies at once.   Apollon and Zhiddezoe had another child a few year later, because Apollon liked the idea of being the mother of five children. They were scared of the possibility of another weird multiple birth (by this point another family from Oviexo had given birth to six babies at once), but thankfully it was a normal pregnancy with one baby.   Other than having to take care of so many young children at once, Apollon and Zhiddezoe had a mostly-normal life from then on. When Daphne started school, Apollon’s family volunteered to foster children running from the civil war in Szarvasbánya who had been separated from their families. They fostered two children: Hemi, who was the same age as Apollon's half-sister Diana, and Cynty, a boy the same age as Daphne. The children stayed with them for half a year before being reunited with their parents. They moved city soon after this, but stayed in touch via writing.

Gender Identity

Apollon identifies as male. He is able to have children because he was born with a uterus (and used the name Diana for the first few years of his life).

Accomplishments & Achievements

Apollon went to court over custody of his child Daphne. He won the case against a powerful noble family (though Briennus, the father, did not help his own situation).   A few years later, Apollon gave birth to three children at once, which was considered a medical marvel never before seen in the world. He got quickly outshone by his own half-sister (four children) and two other families in Oviexo (quintuplets and sextuplets), though.

Wealth & Financial state

Apollon's family was not particularly wealthy. His mother, Artemisia, is an artists who sells a painting every now and then. They were never completely out of money, but they did not much leftover money to spend on luxuries.   Things started to change once Artemisia hooked up with Gustav Kraut. The man liked her art and bought everything she had at her atelier, then commissioned a few more paintings (this eventually led to them having a child together too).   But the family's financial situation only improved on the long term when Apollon was awarded a large sum of money as reparation from the emotional and physical stress Briennus put him through in his teenage pregnancy. Apollon had enough money to buy a four-bedroom house upfront and make enough savings to live comfortably even after having five children.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1981 AC 36 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
His mother wanted a child, so she asked a friend for help.
Current Residence
1,63 m

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