
Nemesis is the code name given to an Eclipse cell leader. This one is a former noblewoman of the city of Arajan. Aspiring rebels who pass through their training with an Eclipse Blademistress and are noted as having leadership skills are groomed for command. They are deadly, unforgiving and fanatically loyal to the sisters of their cell.  
    Nemesis is the code name given to an Eclipse cell leader. Aspiring rebels who pass through their training with an Eclipse Blademistress and are noted as having leadership skills are groomed for command. They are deadly, unforgiving and fanatically loyal to the sisters of their cell. Any Eclipse sister moving up through the ranks could theoretically become a Nemesis. Nightwhispers and Manslayers chosen to lead typically command specialized cells of hunters and archers. Secret Sisters normally only advance to lead a cell if one or more of their covers have been blown and they can no longer operate in the open.   Its far more common that a cell’s Nemesis rose from the ranks of the Shadow Dancers or Instigators. These women form the core warriors of the Sisterhood. Instigators pin key enemies in place while Shadow Dancers move from fight to fight creating local advantage and overwhelming opponents. These swordswomen are trained in secret schools under Blademistresses of the Sisterhood who have mastered both styles of fighting.   The Nemesis model we offer right now is a former noblewoman of the city of Arajan. Disenchanted by her role and limitations in Traazorite society, the rebellion found her an easy mark. She first trained as an Instigator before earning the right to lead her rebel cell. You can create an Instigator by applying the Alternate Leader rule to the Nemesis stat line.


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