The History of The World (WIP) in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil

The History of The World (WIP)

Very little is known of the time before the city states. The only information there is to go on is based on myths and legends surrounding the lore belonging to the nocturna in the dwarves who existed before the alfs came.   Nocturna hold a simple truth to the origin of reality, those are the only ones in the world who actually believe it and some of them were around during this time, knowing it to be true.   During this time, the world was covered in shell of stone. A strange race left on described in the Mets existed above on the surface of the shell. The nocturna refer to them as the Sentinels. The not turning themselves built great Desert Cities on the surface of the planet within the shell.   According to the myths a catastrophe occurred shattering Michelle in allowing the Sun's light to enter within causing a reaction that sent the entire surface of the planet on fire. From that moment onwards, the nocturna would be considered endangered species. The method then tells of how the gods came down and waged war against the Sentinels for reasons unknown.   Civil War ended and the Nocturnals that survived inherited the Earth, which was now a much more dangerous place. Nocturna learned how to adapt being able to change their genetic code at will. This leads to the many different bloodlines among the nocturna. The Nocturna then discovered something they were not expecting.     When the shell fractured, it's countless shards we're cool to the surface of the planet. Over countless eons these shards with service tectonic plates that's terraformed the planet into the world that it is now. Within These shares, the nocturnal discovered hose pockets that would appear randomly without cause. Further exploration revealed the discovery of the first Dwarven race. The first of the Giants and the primordial archdragons was Bryce from Stone as well and take their place as the dominant force of the world. The world was at peace for a time. Centuries past by for the immortal races. As it is for all things, time changes.     The beginning of civilization   The beginning of civilization is marked by the rise of The Alfen city States. Dwarves and the Nocturna dwelled in heavily isolated pockets of the world fleeing the giants and archdragons who began to war with each other. They swelled primarily in small settlements and Villages that were very loosely connected if connected at all. Then the elves would arrive from their hidden plane of existence.     The elves nearly wiped the the world clean of the Giants and the Archdragons. The two species living in isolation to this day. When the Alfen arrived in the material plane, they brought with them wonders that allowed them to rise to the top very quickly. Their blend of technology and Arcane power became a major source for their strength as well as the Catalyst for their downfall.     The city states   Two city-states bored with each other for nearly a decade before signing their own peace treaties and forming into four distinct Empires. Both of the elves of high and low received the two empires to govern. When will be ruled by a king in the other by a queen.   The High Elves loved the world that they had inherited, the nocturna having fled deep underground into a few surviving cities remained. The House Began experimenting with the Flora and Fauna that began to spew forth. They sought to protect their species and utilized the genetic code of other animals and plants to do so. It is through this process that all other subspecies of elves were created, and as time went on the other door from species will be created in the same fashion.   It was at this point during the height of the four Empires they created the hive elves. The hive elves were used as slave labor, as the vast majority of their number or mindless drones controlled by a single queen in the hive. Eventually the Queen's began to make demands of their masters and then turn or imprisoned, tortured, and in some cases held hostage to ensure the slave labor continued.   The Queen's decided to pick very specific individuals among their hives to release from their control. The hive severed awoke with a newfound consciousness with a single thought brushing through their mind that would drive their every action from that day forward, free the Hive Queens from their bondage.   Generals rose up among the ranks of the hive elves. Maintaining the ability to control elements of the hive within themselves they built up a mighty Army. They studied their opponents and analyzed every weakness. When the true Rebellion came, there was nothing the elves of high and low could do.   The Hive elves Began performing similar experiments to their masters, picking the most violent and evolutionarily Superior creatures to add to their own gene pool through the process of assimilation. Assimilation would occur by locking the entity to be assimilated into a royal cell within their hives. The Salvage film with the milk of the hive Queens, a royal jelly that would devour any biological matter within it piece by piece so that it may fully understand what makes the creature function the way that it does.   By using the same substance, the high valves can evolve their on physical form to match that of any biological element absorbed and assimilated into the hive. Needless to say the rebellion was a slaughter.   The hours of high and low chose to use weaponry and Power forbidden by their very laws. They wielded the very essence of apocalypse to wipe the world clean of the High Elves, plus they spread like a virus consuming everything and starving themselves out on their own.   All sentient races in the worlds were devastated, the nocturna even more so than before. At this point, a Dark Age fell upon the world. Histories and cultures were forgotten. Ancient technology was buried and lost. The world began what would appear to be a slow death, but an unlikely turn of events would occur, inviting the most unlikely of beings to global dominance.                 OZLITH on an island located in the southern oceans, seven gods we're born. The seven gods would collectively create a new race. Humanity was neither Hardy and stout nor were they remarkably adept with magic or connected to Eldritch forces. They were not massive like the Giants nor immortal like the nocturna. In fact, the other race is considered Humanity to be hilariously mediocre in every way. They were not wrong in this assumption. Humanity is so incredibly average it may as well be a superpower. Their bodies or frail and there will was weak. They were not particularly driven or prone to perseverance. There was nothing to be considered an advantage.   However it would seem this was the God's plan all along. The seven gods created a race that was so average that while they had no advantages they also had no disadvantages. They may not be able to take as much damage as a divorced but they could take more damage than an elf. They were not as magically inclined as the owls but two doors are known for being less interested in The Arcane as a rule. They were intelligent enough, and adaptable enough, to become some of the most efficient Craftsman in the world. They did not produce the best Weaponry of the highest quality, but they could produce weapons that would be enough and they could do so cheaply and quickly.   They were able to utilize their own birth rate, which was quicker than the other races and the upbringing was almost as quick for human children. Is there numbers and mediocrity they were able to take over the globe becoming the majority.     This rise to power began with Ozlith. The island was filmed with less than a hundred thousand humans, many being fisherman by trade. The waters that surrounded their Island we're hostile, referred to as the city of beasts for the massive predators that dwelled in the murky depths. Raiders from the other races as well as humans who were exiled or simply fled the island picked off the denizens little by little.     The gods who created the race, the seven gods of Ozlith, loved their people so, I made a sacrifice of their own domains to learn the ways of War so they're people may fight back in a war on all fronts. When they return to their people they were changed forever and forged seven Centurion Legions. These Elite Warriors proved to be the driving force that Spread Humanity across the globe.     They hunted the beasts of the sea to extinction, they overthrew the Senate after discovering the Senate was using the city of beasts as a means of controlling the population. Every year, ships will be sent away from the island only to be violently torn asunder and brought into the water never to be seen again. Some ships made it to the other side but what's find if the mainland was just as hostile. And so the centurions along with the Pathfinders Journeys North as their people began to migrate. They encountered the other races and offered them a place within their society, not as slaves but as equals.   The seven gods proclaimed that a single woman which rule over all the land that could be considered Ozliths borders. The Widow and the red Maiden, two of the seven, developed the Vigor economic system that allowed this Empire to grow exponentially. Any and all her stood before them to fight would die or be taking in to the Empire's warm embrace, for the empire spread like fire. After centuries of War, the young Empress will be the one to rule the empire in a stable piece.         MHIRRIAH     This young empress is shrouded in mystery. All historical records have conflicting information. No one is truly sure what happened the night that Ozlith fell. Even fewer are aware of what happened after. A portal opened above the Imperial Palace. The portal open that door dimension of horror inflamed. The infirnum and it's bile demons poured forth into the world, and there would not be many who survived.   According to the myths the seven gods of Oz with straw The Firm alongside each of their seven Legions and the volunteers who chose to stay behind.   While the empress Mhirriah, on her path to becoming a goddess herself, fled the empire to a promised land in the far north, the Battle of the Gods grave began. Against countless demons, even the gods would perish.               The Diaspora and the birth of a nation   When the refugees reached their Promised Land, after a painful exodus, they chose to give it the name of the woman who let them through such trouble times. Empress Mhirriah dissapeared for a time, emerging some years later to send into her divinity. The nation she left behind with the fight itself into several provinces each United in a single unified religion dedicated to the warrior queen who saved them.   The provinces would grow taking advantage of the many Magnificent constructs erected by theirDuring her many labors. Two massive Gates of both red and black Protect the Border Of the provinces From The infernum.         The crusades   The Inferno might not be soAnd began amassing Armies The likes of which the world has never seen. They would throw Themselves against the gates Over and over again even to this day In hopes that one day they will crack and crumble. This led to the provinces Adopting warlike Tendencies to ensure everyone is trained to man the walls of the gates When the next Crusade comes.       Lartasia and estoya                   Other nations Unbeknownst to the people of the provinces, a nation began to emerge in the North. Estoya, which at the time was a monarchy, begin building the capital city. The humans of the Nation one of the first colony ships to set sail from the island of Ozlith.   Somehow they survived, and now they thrived.     To the Northeast another civilization emerged. Lartasia, a nation ruled by warring factions who discovered during this time of way to continue the economic systems of vigor.   This nation discovered the first of the universal nowadays which were only just beginning to emerge during this time. No one thought anything of it, the people of the Warring States learning to live with it overtime, and in some cases even preferring it.   They began developing strange costumes to the point where most of the world considers them mad in the present day.   Another successful colonization attempt what's beginning to gain a foothold between the previously to mentioned Nations. The freeholds are a disorganized group of sovereign states, and during this time they were starting to make their way. By establishing trade routes to their neighbors in the West, they were able to procure technology that would Fester a constant arms race. Three of these sovereign states would emerge Supreme, and almost all other free holes in the region swore fealty to one of these three. These three city states, vanheim, cordais, and Espada brought stability to the region but they did not bring peace. The three still consistently war with each other especially with the presence of Universal phobia spreading in their lands.     Other maladies begin to emerge and spread rapidly all over the world. Melancholia Woodforest both the freeholds and Estota back. Mania began to become more powerful developing into rest area the further within its region of influence one goes. The weir emerged From a distant continent unknown unsettled by any of the sentient races. It is strange Act of fate, as if to intentionally nail final nail into the coffin of an ailing world, Universal vertigo emerged almost overnight. Finality separated all a civilization to the point foremost wouldn't survive. When walking to the market in town can take weeks to months, most people starved if they could not find food to support themselves. Those who didn't often fell prey to Bandits and monsters. Each of the Nations began to consolidate their population into closely-knit settlements.             Emergence of the Tablin Telling time during this time. Is exceptionally difficult ways of calculating how much dilation of time occurs with universal vertigo had yet been developed. At some point during the Harrow Dynasty, a new sentient race begin to emerge. The Tablin they were called, due to the fact that they settled in the Tablwood outside of the capital of Estoya.   This race of races has been around for a very long time. Each race within it having its own histories and cultures that have been lost. Regardless, those that made it to their new home settled and developed new cultures that separated them from similar races across the world.   They were met with distrust and violence if not be treated as equals and tell the Harrows were overthrown.   The Harrow overthrow   As it is with many dynasties, one bad egg can bring the whole thing down. Minerva Harrow what's the last of the dentist 8 to rule over the nation of Estoya. The Rouxs usurped the throne and worked to change the nation to ensure such tragedies never occur again. The nation converted from an absolute monarchy toa mertocratic monarchy with numerous branches of government each having checks and balances over the other.   For the first time in nearly two centuries, a nation in the world began to thrive.     The first expeditions Due to the Newfound wealth, Estoya begins what would become a royal tradition. While most of the nations of the world were busy dealing with her own problems or resigned themselves to the fate of the world, the nation of Estoya did not.   A nation full of literate and inquisitive minds, Estoya sought to understand the universal maladies that plagued the world. The government decided to suppress information regarding the malady is during this time. For this reason most people at the time of Expedition Demeter have no knowledge of them, save for universal veritgo.   They put together an expedition that sought to expand their knowledge on the world around them. By this point the nation's borders were much smaller then it was in the beginning.       Expedition Juno The first expedition was tasked with figuring out the truth behind a strange phenomena being reported by homesteaders that lived beyond The border. These reports described as a large complex that would appear overnight and disappear almost as quickly. This complex takes the form of what would become known as The Jeelix Maze.   The first expedition was comprised of Wardens who volunteered to venture within this complex, which had appeared on the island of Jeelix, and discover its secrets. The expedition was very well-funded, each Warden given their own private wagon and a horse to pull said wagon. They will give him some of the best food money could buy as well as the best equipment. Their weapons and armor were commissioned by the Royal Standard himself, who tirelessly worked almost 3 months to equip every member of this Expedition.                             Return from Jeelix Reports of the maze opening in Jeelix reach the capital of Estoya. A group of individuals task was scouting the area were sent to the island and discovery that the members of expeditions you know who are thought to be lost have returned for the maze, though only a select few survived their encounters within. These wardens were no longer the same people they were when they entered and suffered from various mental instabilities and eccentricities. Many of them do not even have the memories of who they were before they went into the maze. When they emerge they refer to themselves as the Pathfinders. They took this name from Pathfinder codices that were found within the maze, leading many to believe that the Labyrinth is the final destination of the original Ozolithian Pathfinders, who never survived the maze.       The war with Mhirriah   Individuals reported raiding parties approaching from the south. Southern border was impenetrable when traveling from Estoya, buy it appears that traveling from Mhirriah was much safer. These raiding parties didn't seem to have much of a goal as they attacked any and all they met but never really plundered regions they attacked. It seemed to the nobility that whatever nation sent these attackers intended them to stay and settle the land. The capture and questioning of prisoners led to the discovery of the provinces to the South. This discovery was considered both good and bad news as it seemed the provinces were immediately an enemy. Raiding parties were sent with alarming speed across the border and a single direct attack to the military fort of Southwatch by Mhirriah armies would motivate military leaders to seek a way to cross the border safely into Mhirriah and take the fight to them.       The breaking of the border and the end of the war.   Pathfinders begin building strange and counterintuitive paths across the nation of Estoya. It became clear that these roads were remarkably stable and Universal vertigo didn't affect them. When they reach the border to the South they simply crossed over, with one Pathfinder walking backwards and the other staring at them walking forward. The road that was built stabilized the entire border and brought both Nations into the same timeframe. For the first time in the nation's history a standing army was created from the various elite units scattered about the nation of Estoya. These units along with the new recruits and citizen militias banded together and cross the border into the provinces. The war ended in a stalemate. Both sides were equally equipped and capable, though they each had unique advantages over the other. A peace treaty was inevitably signed between House Roux and The High Matriarch.   High matriarch made it quite clear that the only reason this treaty will be signed is due to the fact that The Inferno we're well past due for the latest Crusade, and it would be a waste of life to fight a war on two fronts, when the soldiers of the provinces were needed to man The Gates of red and black. Instead of being offended as many of the nobles were upon hearing this, the king of Estalia took volunteers and created military unit that was to assist in defending the Southern border of the provinces as well as to study their culture and assist in cultural diffusion between the two Nations.   While he was met with persistence to all other branches of the government, the naysayers were silenced upon hearing that ensuring The infernum do not succeed would further protect their own Nation as well as garner a good reputation with their neighbors to the South.             Time A universal standard of time is created and established by a stargazer from Espada who made many discoveries in how universal vertigo works. This measurement of time would be firmly established in all nations by the end of the decade. Universal standard of time matches up with the exact same time frame used in Estoya, as it is the only place vertigo does not exist.     Progress In the Century just before Expedition Demeter departed, the world is in a state of fledgling Renaissance.   Scientific advances, diplomatic relations, trade, and an influx of migrants from all over the world established Estoya as the center of civilization in the last Bastion of Hope for the world. While each individual nation has their own opinions about Estoya, not all of them good, when the current King, Tammer Roux received funding for yet another Expedition, the world found a final flicker of hope, and all agreed to Grant the Expedition sovereignty in their own borders if the Expedition could successfully reach their borders. This made Expedition Demeter a mobile nation that acted as a neutral party as best as they could. The purpose of this was to allow the expedition to make its own choices free from outside influence. It also allowed them to rely on themselves instead of orders from on high.   Anywhere the Expedition stood was considered their Sovereign soil no matter what nation they found themselves in, though several of the freeholds and many Daimyo in Lartasia refused to grant them such power.   During this time, Arcana Formulae would reach its height. Bards would assist in the preservation and spread of culture throughout the world. The scientific minds of the world banded together alongside their own Gods to seek a cure for the universal maladies. This Renaissance seemed to falter in the final years leading to Expedition Demeter as the Gods disappear seemingly abandoning Mortals to their fate. The only God's that remain happened to be those that most would prefer not to exist.         Expedition demeter. On this day the expedition responsible for saving the world departed. This expedition was arguably the best equipped and the most expensive. It had a resident Pathfinder that was responsible for constructing roads to every destination the Expedition would reach. The expedition was also given large sums of wealth and each of the various divisions of power within the Expedition we're spared no expense in equipment, manpower, and resources. On top of all of this the expedition was granted the use of several war wagons aa well.


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