Arcane Genres
Arcane genres are essentially matters of preference in how one uses magic. Their philosophies on magic, as well as how they manifest and power their spells, are usually influenced by the genres they know.
While genres often seem restrictive in What spells can be cast, this is not always the case. Almost any spell a mage of illusions can cast can be cast by say a pyromancer, but that pyromancer will need creativity and practice to do so and the illusions produced will manifest quite differently.
There are far too many genres to list in a single space, even listing those that are most popular would be quite a task. For this reason genres are contained in their own articles so that they can be fully explored.
similar to fighting styles and stances. Forms are broad ways one can use the genre or small tips and tricks to enhance the efficiency of the caster. Many forms are advanced tactics that most learn later on in their practice. An example of a form would be The Drunkard's Waltz. This form is practiced by those who learn Arcana Discordia and involves entering a meditative state that makes one receptive to change and in many ways, able to cause that change. A side effect as the name suggests causes one to act as if intoxicated.
Metaphysical, Arcane
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