Scope - Summer Camp 2020 Geographic Location in Etrea | World Anvil

Scope - Summer Camp 2020

From the inlets that run through the north like veins, to the wide flat plains in the east and the rocky foothills that climb to the Teeth in the west and south, Serukis is a land with much to discover.

A Brief History

  Before 1SE (3830EA), when the first Seruic people crossed The Teeth from Kaien, Serukis was a wild land, home to clans of Koushan Mai and dragons.   After 1SE (3830EA), the Seruic people came and displaced the Koushan Mai and went to war with the dragons. Less than a hundred years later, an uneasy peace had come to Serukis, though the Seruic people had now laid claim to the country. Five kingdoms were set up, though they maintained close relationships and were part of one whole.   In 130SE (3959EA), a war started with the neighbouring country of Kaien. It lasted a year, and both countries agreed to a truce due to heavy losses in the mountain passes of The Teeth.   In 241SE (4070EA), a bloody war began with the neighbouring country of Caillah. It would last twelve years, before a truce by marriage was arranged.   In 633SE (4462EA), the second war with the dragons began. Some dragons allied themselves with the high families of Serukis, turning against their own people.   In 634SE (4463EA), the five kingdoms of Serukis became one, united under the Elenasia family. This had been in the works for the last two hundred years, but the second dragon war pushed it to completion.   By 974SE (4803EA), dragons had vanished from Serukis and the wider continent of Caia.   In 1517SE (5346EA), the current year, the Koushan Mai are persecuted across the continent of Caia, especially in Serukis and the neighbouring country of Caillah. Serukis considers itself more tolerant of the Koushan Mai, as in most places they can live relatively free lives. There are occasional rumours of dragons.


Governing Structure

  Serukis, for all intents and purposes, is split into five areas, each ruled by a family who are said to be chosen by one of the Five Lords. These five families are: Elenasia, chosen by Faolan, Lord of Earth; Hargrove, chosen by Elian, Lord of Fire; Ereth, chosen by Trestan, Lord of Ice; Sybrant, chosen by Thayer, Lord of Air; and Vaifale, chosen by Nereus, Lord of Water.   Serukis as a whole is ruled over by a monarchy. The Elenasia family is the royal family of Serukis. The other four high families are ruled by the High Lords, who (supposedly) answer to the King. For the most part, the five sections of Serukis are ruled over by their own High Lords, but the King makes decisions that will affect the wider country.

Map of Serukis

Notable Locations

  King's Rock - the capital city of Serukis, and the seat of power of the Elenasia family

Whitecastle - the seat of power of the Hargrove family

The Teeth - the large mountain range that separates Serukis from the country of Kaien


  The Five Lords - the dominant religion in Serukis, based on the worship of the Lords of Earth, Fire, Ice, Water, and Air.

Koushan Mai - the religion of the native people of Serukis. Rumoured to be the religion of the dragons before they vanished.

Cover image: by Matt Lamers


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