Xoxtris Character in Eivrall | World Anvil

Xoxtris (zɒkstrɪs)

Primordial Deity of Darkness Xoxtris (a.k.a. The Omniarch)

Xoxtris, Primordial Deity of Darkness
Xoxtris, Primordial Deity of Darkness by Gabrielle Decker

Xoxtris is the personification of the void before the Big Bang, when everything was in a state of nothingness, or darkness. Since everything has its origins in the shadows and has its final destination in the blackness of oblivion, Xoxtris is also worshipped as the god of creation and oblivion. Because they are formless, omniscient, and omnipresent, they transcend ideas like gender and sexuality. Xoxtris is all-inclusive and represents the whole of existence.

According to legend, Xoxtris bestowed upon the cosmos the life force known as numen, which pervades all matter and sustains all living things. Eivrall's magic originates from numen.

The symbol of Xoxtris is akin to the Yin and Yang sign. A white infinity symbol is depicted inside a black "gap," which represents the infinite blackness that they encompass. It symbolizes the full range of human experience, from the positive to the negative, the feminine to the masculine, and life to death.

Though Eivrall is home to a variety of faiths and philosophies, it is generally accepted that Xoxtris, or the idea of the primordial void, existed long before the emergence of Gods. Whether they are perceived as a person or a concept depends on the religion.

Xoxtris is a being of unparalleled power and wisdom, embodying the balance of the universe and the ultimate duality. They are the creator of all things, yet remain humble and never seek to control or dominate others. Xoxtris' desire to share their awareness with others led to the creation of the Seen and Unseen, and they are always willing to guide and help those who seek it.

Xoxtris is a being of unparalleled power and wisdom, embodying the balance of the universe and the ultimate duality. They are the creator of all things, yet remain humble and never seek to control or dominate others. Xoxtris' desire to share their awareness with others led to the creation of the Seen and Unseen, and they are always willing to guide and help those who seek it.

Xoxtris' nature is a reflection of the balance that exists in the universe, embodying both the Yin and the Yang, the Light and the Darkness, the Seen and the Unseen. Their essence is a paradoxical nature, where opposing forces complement and complete each other. Xoxtris' power is both creative and destructive, giving life and taking it away, and they are the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega.

Despite their immense power, Xoxtris is not a being of conflict but rather of unity. They understand the interconnectedness of all things and recognize that without the balance of opposing forces, there can be no harmony. Xoxtris represents the harmonious coexistence of all things, the unity of the universe, and the essence of all that is. Their belief in the power of growth and change encourages others to embrace the journey of self-discovery, leading to a greater understanding of the universe and our place within it.

Creation and Oblivion
The Void
Divine Classification
Primordial Deity
Related Myths

Cover image: The Spider by Gabrielle Decker


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