Linve Geographic Location in Eivrall | World Anvil


The Linvean Kingdom is the ancestral homeland of all Thyselie. Currently, the Shalaevar and the general Thyselie race occupy it's lands.


Linve has an annual rainfall of 30-120 cm, which falls regularly throughout the year: there is no dry season. Summer lasts 4 to 6 months and is particularly fertile for the vegetation, while winter is when most plants stop growing. Winters are significantly warmer than in higher latitudes, with daily minima never falling below -2°C even on the coldest days.

Ecosystem Cycles

Linve has few mammals and seasonal vegetation. During the autumn season, animals eat on and store food for the winter, particularly walnuts and winged seeds, which preserve for a long time. Many mammals and birds have developed various techniques to withstand the harsh winter conditions, and many species hibernate the entire winter. Most plants, including maples, oaks, birches, and other deciduous trees, cease growing during the winter and resume growth in the spring.

Fauna & Flora

Dominant animals include

Deer; black bears; bobcats; large herbivores such as elk and deer; nut and acorn feeders, such as squirrels; omnivores such as raccoons and skunks; numerous songbirds; turkey.

Dominant plants include

Broadleaf trees such as beeches, sycamores, oaks, aspens, walnut trees, lime trees, chestnut trees, birches, elms; some conifers; flowering shrubs; herbs; a ground layer of mosses and ferns; fir trees; spruce trees; redwood.

Natural Resources

  • Oak is a high-quality wood that is valuable to cabinetmakers and carpenters. It is also available as firewood.
  • Walnut trees, which are also highly valued for the quality of their wood, are examples of plants utilized for food.
  • Chestnut trees are often grown for their fruits, which are consumed raw or mixed into flour to make bread.
  • Chestnut forests are valued by hunters because wild boars are drawn to them.
  • Willows are well recognized for their medicinal properties: its bark, for example, contains salicylic acid, also known as aspirin.
  • To construct musical instruments, luthiers collect spruce and maple wood.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: by Gabrielle Decker


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