Fountain of Ink | E. Christopher Clark

Fountain of Ink

The Fountain of Ink is a strange supernatural spring in the town of Fairwallow where a seemingly infinite supply of ink wells up from an underground source. Since the start of the Second Age, the resulting basin has encircled by a small stone wall erected by the family of Laudine de Landuc.


The Fountain was a runner-up for Lüe the Mapmaker’s list of the Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World, and it is said that words written with its ink are more powerful, persuasive, and effective than words written with “lesser” inks.


The degree to which this is true is hotly debated, especially given the hardcore sales pitches Laudine’s father used to make when selling the ink as a product, but Abraham the Honest was a believer and composed all of his most important speeches with the stuff.

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