The planet of Arielle is torn between extremes of culture and physical environment. On one hand the city that have been established were carved out of the very wilderness of the planet leaving cultural and social scars that have been long remembered. On the other hard the wilderness side of the planet represents the awesome power and majesty of the force of nature and the culture that has developed in parallel with it.
The Jarren are the indigenous people of Arielle before the arrival of starships that brought with them cities of steel and glass. The Jarren are deeply religious and tribal people, They are highly skilled with survival and tracking.Half-Elf: Nobles and diplomats
Pahtra (catfolk): Nature nomad tribes
Gnomes: Ruling Tech Culture
Orcs: Genetically augmented warriors
Glass Eel
Burst Wyrm
House Tabor
House Tabour is a House Minor within the Landsraad.
Chief Physician
Five Sapient CulturesJarren
The Jarren are the indigenous people of Arielle before the arrival of starships that brought with them cities of steel and glass. The Jarren are deeply religious and tribal people, They are highly skilled with survival and tracking.
The cycle of light and dark for this planet is exactly 12 hours long for each day and night. This is rare and odd. The Jarren people believe this to be the Balance held in place by the will of Mirris. Should the balance ever slip this would herald a possible apocalypse foretold by the elders of the Jarren. Hook 2: Threatened by rampantly growing, civilization choking plant life ThreatsPoints of Interest
Who Rules
House Tabor
House Tabour is a House Minor within the Landsraad.
House Tabour
House Type: House Minor
Patron House:
Primary Domain: Science / Produce
Secondary Export: Science / Understanding
Home World: Arielle
Banners & Arms: Steel spike citadel on a field of green.
House Traits: Science (Domain), Blank (Reputation)
Who's Who
House Tabour
The Bene Tleilax consider House Tabour enemies for several reasons. House Tabour originally contracted the Bene Tleilax to help genetically engineer a warrior class for them which they did. However the Bene Tleilax built in dead end genetic code so they could not reproduce always requiring their services and a constant source of Solari. However House Tabour using their own exotic fauna engineered a solution that allowed them to reproduce their results. This allowed House Tabour to end their dealing with the Bene Tleilax creating a lifelong enemy and causing them to consider their research to be a future threat.
Traits: Loathing, Debt, Slight, Jelousy
Secrets & Rumors
Few in the imperium understand the scope of the Bene Tleilax subterfuge and plots combined with their Face Dancers. The have placed a variety of Face Dancer agents to infiltrate House Tabour at a variety of levels as they work toward gaining any scientific secrets or causing sabotage to the house.
Biomes: airborne, aquatic, arboreal, artic, desert, forest, marsh, mountain, plains, subterrean
Several large continents make up the landmass of this earthlike world, which has a single ice cap.
Magic/Psion: Uncommon and outlawed
Accord: Peaceful / Single World Government
Tech: Starships Sub-Light
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Orange Bible
Author's Notes
The planet of Arielle is inspired by a medley of sources ...The Dune series by Frank Herbert
The Extended Dune Universe by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium
Starfinder and the Deck of Many World