Ocean of Light Organization in Drop in the Ocean | World Anvil

Ocean of Light

Ocean of Light proclaims to be a spiritual movement centered around the worship of the sky, magical currents and most importantly the Great Tide. Tides are a very frequent phenomena happening couple of times a day all around the planet. The combined gravitational pull of the moons and the planet doesn't only affect the water levels, but also the magical currents flowing through the air, the mist regions and other minor events occuring all around the globe.   The Great Tide is unique alignment combining all the little things that affect the strength and the directions of the tides into one massive pull that can cause many other side effects that cannot occur under normal circumstances - which is the reason why some poeple refer to the Great Tide as the season of miracles. Calculating when the next great tide is going to happen is the main focus of many scientists and religious sects out there. It is incredibly hard to predict and so far the only people succesful are considered to be just lucky guessers.   Followers of this particular movement, which is by many considered to be a personal cult of its founder Marcus Ora, view the ocurrence of the Great Tide as the only opportunity to ascend and become a pure human being. The tide opens the gates of the heaven, shows the path to rid a person of their sins, it symbolises a new start and the ultimate truth.   Their main focus is to learn the natural rythm of the planet, become as one with its flows as a person is one with its own heartbeat, and through the conscious methods of dissociation a person is able to glimpse into the true nature of the world and reach nirvana. Followers in the inner circle of this cult claim to also gain powers such as clairvoyance.   They mostly gained attention through their public mass meditation happenings that they do when a normal tide occurs, mostly during the day, basking in the sun rays that are intensified by the cleared up sky above.

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