The Shatterstaves Organization in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Shatterstaves

Once a discreet and specialized unit within the Civil Servants, the Shatterstaves have long existed in the shadows of the Tritos Dominion's military framework. Known for handling arcane threats with extreme discretion, their role has dramatically transformed.   Characterized by their strong aversion to magic, the Shatterstaves embody an old-world mentality, seeing magic as the root of many societal ills. This belief, stemming from the ancient Fist coalition's anti-magic stance, drives them to relentlessly pursue the containment and eradication of arcane practices, often through methods considered uncompromising.   The ascension of King Ender Ramus has marked a significant shift for the Shatterstaves, elevating them from a subsidiary of the Civil Servants to an independent division within the Civil Legion. This change reflects a broader resurgence of skepticism towards magic in the Dominion. Under the leadership of Magister Primarius Chastity Renault, a figure of extreme zealousness, the Shatterstaves have adopted a more assertive role.   Their mission is clear: to diminish the influence of magic in the Dominion and uphold a future driven by human will and ingenuity. With their newfound independence, the Shatterstaves operate with a broad scope of authority, focusing on rooting out magic users who pose a threat to the state's ideals.   While their methods and growing presence within the Dominion garner mixed reactions, the Shatterstaves' role as staunch opponents of magic is undeniable. They stand as a controversial yet integral part of the Civil Legion, embodying the changing tides of the Dominion's stance on arcane matters.
Ranks of the Shatterstaves
  Historically, members of the Shatterstaves held the singular rank of 'Page' within the Civil Servants. New ranks have been established to reflect their enhanced status and the broader scope of their responsibilities. This shift is causing questions as to the new military hierarchy of the Tritos Dominion. These are the new ranks in order of authority:  
Magister Primarius
  For full details on each rank, including their roles and responsibilities, refer to: Ranks of the Tritos Dominion.


Chastity Renault

Lawful Evil, Female Human   Chastity Renault was born in the elven city of Kuran, where, as a child of diplomat parents, she was steeped in the intricacies of elemental magic. This early exposure left an indelible mark, deeply ingraining in her a fascination with the arcane.   Her bond with her cousin, Ender Ramus, who would later ascend to the throne as King, was formed upon her return to the Tritos Dominion at a young age. This relationship, intertwined with the political machinations of House Hargrave, set the stage for her eventual rise within The Shatterstaves, a specialized military unit focusing on defense against magic.   In her service with the Shatterstaves, Chastity's achievements have been unparalleled. Her crowning moment was receiving the Honor Zonne from King Caraconne Tritos, a recognition bestowed for her unprecedented success in apprehending magical fugitives. The defining act of her career was a daring confrontation in the Morden Woods, where she single-handedly subdued a rogue wizard wreaking havoc on local villages.   Chastity's rapid ascent to the pinnacle of the Shatterstaves was no mere stroke of fate. It was a calculated move by House Hargrave, leveraging her close ties with King Ramus. This political maneuvering was pivotal when the Shatterstaves transitioned from a specialized unit under the Civil Servants to an autonomous military division, with Chastity being named the first-ever Magister Primarius.   Under Chastity's leadership, the Shatterstaves have embodied her values: an unyielding adherence to tradition, a fervent nationalism, and a stringent control over the use of magic. Her belief that magic should be wielded only by those in power, not the common folk, has significantly shaped the unit's operations and policies.   Now, as the Magister Primarius of an independent Shatterstaves, Chastity Renault wields considerable influence. Her role not only grants her the power to shape the future of magical warfare in the Dominion but also allows her to enact her vision for a nation where magic is tightly controlled and utilized for the greater good.
"When hunting quarry, preparation is paramount. Scout relentlessly and observe with precision. Understanding, not respect, is your weapon. Your target, a master in their own right, will be prepared, ensure you are more so.   Know your target intimately: their habits, associates, and intentions. The accomplices they are surrounded with can offer as much insight as the individual themselves. Utilize this knowledge, and these people; leverage can be as potent as any spell.   When the time comes to strike, do so with the full awareness of their seven critical weaknesses: Allies, Enemies, Capabilities, Personality, Motives, Routine, and Secrets. These are the pillars upon which your strategy should be built, ensuring that when you engage, you do so with an unequivocal advantage."

~ Excerpt from Chapter 3: Killing a Wizard
Shatterstaff Field Manual

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