Humans Species in Draguna | World Anvil


Homo Sapiens, commonly know as Humans or man, are the most common sentient race in Draguna. The term Human defines the subspecies of these people. Halfmen, for example, is a type of Human but have their own subtype because of their specific characteristics.   The two species are very similar to one another. The main noticable different is their average height, with Halfmen being the smallest. The term Halfman comes from the Marani word, HaafMahn; for their direct and literal method of assigning terminology.

Homo Sapien

Alternative Names
Human, Man, Mahn Marani
The taller race of Humans
Avg. Lifespan
50 years
Gender Terms
Man (Male), Woman (Female)
Avg. Adult Height

Homo Minutus

Alternative Names
Half Human, HalfMan, HaafMahn Marani
On average, a Halfman is shorter than a Man.
Avg. Lifespan
50 years
Gender Terms
Halfman (Male), Halfwoman (Female)
Avg. Adult Height

Key Ethnicities


The Marans are the people of Mara. They are a culture consisting of both, in their tongue, Mahn (Man) and Haafmahn (Halfman). Most, if not all, Marans follow the belief of the Maran Gods which tells tales of family bonds, the suns in the Sky and the impending Generation of Crimson Nights.  

Dwarves of Koldrhiem

Though technically still human, these people of Koldrhiem refer to themselves as Dwarves. After separating themselves from the Maran people decade ago, these Dwarves have become their own kind of human. As they have been within the Tri Mountains, they have developed a culture of honour, trade and dignity. Some say these are lingering traits from being unified with the rest of Mara.


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