Manna Material in Dragons of Night | World Anvil


Manna is a mystical substance that precipitates from the air and that is contained in several other sources that it edible and capable of sustaining the life of mortals and elders alike. To the Rephaim, it is a required food group and they will whither and die without it.


Material Characteristics

Manna is a semi-transparent gummy resin somewhat resembling myrrh, with a golden, red, or dark brown color. It glistens in the light and is textured similarly to dried fruit.

Physical & Chemical Properties

In alchemical terms, Manna is either classified as distilled magic or distilled life force, since it can come from a living host. There is debate over whether manna is a source of magic or a byproduct their of. Magical creatures have more manna in the blood and organs than their nonmagical counterparts. No test has been to devised to determine if this is a cause or an effect.

Origin & Source

Naturally precipitated manna begins to collect from the air at twilight, and develops faster under the influence of the north wind. It appears like a fine flake, similar to a dark frost on the ground, and grows with the dew of the night. It is white as it forms, but takes on its trademark colors over time.

Life & Expiration

Manna melts with the light of the sun, and evaporates back into the air, so in its natural state, is does not last long. If properly collected it can last for one or two days before going rancid, generating Manna Worms that will corrupt any food or beverage they come into contact with.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Manna is collected by the Rephaim on a regular basis to sustain themselves. Healers often collect manna to make healing balms and other tinctures for immediate use.

Cultural Significance and Usage

During Trivian Sabbats, small cakes of manna bread are served to the faithful in remembrance of Mother Lilith's exile from the Dark Garden. It is meant to remind them of the common life they share by the grace of the Holy One who gives them life.   Manna is a powerful symbol of life and love to the Trivians who often wear amber or garnet jewelry as sign of the blood of heaven.


Trade & Market

In every town with a sizable Rephaim or Trivian population there will be a Manna Delivery Service to ensure a fresh supply of manna arrives daily.


Special Manna Urns are needed to preserve it past sunrise. They range from simple clay pots to ornate enchanted vessels that are set out to at night to encourage manna to fill them.

Law & Regulation

It is illegal to counterfeit manna in Aernadael, punishable by exile as a warlock to the Wrecca.
5/7 per ounce
rare if not collected wisely
rich, sweet, and earthy
like toasted honey cakes.
white, turning golden, reddish, or dark brown.
Common State
liquid in the blood of every life form, solid if collected or precipitated in nature.


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