Thread 1 | Test Board 03 in Desolate Wastes of CSS Discussion Boards | World Anvil
Wed, Oct 27th 2021 12:24   Edited on Wed, Oct 27th 2021 12:25

Thread 1

Here follows the story of filler words; nope, not really. You have been fooled, there is no story here— only filler! Filler for the filler god! Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler. "WhY DiDn'T yOu JuSt UsE LOrEm IPsuM?" While less practical and perhaps a waste of time, this method tickles me. Simply put this is significantly more entertaining than a simple copy and paste of that tried and true text. Perhaps I am a fool for going for this method— but by the end of my time wasted, I shall have my own copyable filler text. Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler. Did anyone ever tell you that jetpacks are bad for your health? Just imagine the forces applied to your back— most jetpack owners end up with severe back issues after only ten flights! Please text "OHGODSTOP" to unsubscribe from Pack Facts! OHGODSTOP. Did you know that a pack of wolves is called a pack because they wear matching backpacks? No. Don't lie. You could not have known that, because obviously it isn't true. Wolves went extinct after the great Little Red Riding Purge of 1627— where an enraged girl donning a red hood hunted every member of the species to death with her bare hands because— in her words— "Granny didn't raise a pushover." She was accompanied by a band of displaced villagers who named themselves "The Three (Hundred) Little Pigs." after their last three pigs who had been devoured by wolves. Wolves don't even exist in museums after the 37th president of the Loosely-Acquainted States, Willis Wills Pays the Bills enacted the "What's a Wolf?" law in 1957, which prompted a scrubbing of their existence from public records until he himself was killed by the final wolf which was shortly afterwards hunted and killed by the great great great great great great grandaughter-niece-general of Little Red.
Loser Roll | 1d20
Wed, Oct 27th 2021 12:25

No. You're wrong. Idiot.
Wed, Oct 27th 2021 12:25

Oh, ok.
Wed, Oct 27th 2021 12:25   Edited on Thu, Oct 28th 2021 04:01

This is a test.
Thu, Oct 28th 2021 04:01

# In reply to Timepool's:
This is a test.
This is a reply test. Oops.
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