Quickshift Spell in Cimmerian Shade | World Anvil


(Protean ••••, Vicissitude ••)
This power allows a vampire to invoke a Protean transformation into the form of a beast in response to the actions of an aggressor. Any time the vampire suffers any form of hostile action, such as an attack, being made the target of a Discipline, or even being surprised, the Kindred may spend four blood points and instantly transform into the shape of a beast. This does not require the Kindred’s action for the next turn, which is the benefit of the power. Alternatively, the Kindred may spend the blood points at the beginning of a scene in which he plans to use Quickshift (for those Kindred of generations too high to spend four blood points in one turn at any point thereafter that scene, he may activate the power at no additional cost.
If the Kindred doesn’t use that power in that scene, the blood points are simply lost.

It costs 21 experience points to learn this power.



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