Keepers Way Spell in Cimmerian Shade | World Anvil

Keepers Way

This Path is only available to the protectors of the Heartsblood

Keepers Way

  1. Sense the Ripples: Use the accumulated knowledge of the Heartsblood to become aware of future events
  2. Gift of Haqim: Make blood points drawn from the Heartsblood last longer
  3. The Distant Crimson: Use the Heartsblood to see through the eyes of any Banu Haqim  in a one hundred kilometer radius
  4. Know the Fate of One: Use the Heartsblood to gain detailed knowledge of the fate of a chosen vampire
  5. Cast into the Pool of Blood: Use the Heartsblood to influence future events by either aiding or hindering vampires in the vicinity of the Heartsblood



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