•• Plague Child Spell in Cimmerian Shade | World Anvil

•• Plague Child

Rank 2 Black Spiral Dancer Gift

The favored children of the Plague Rats (Apocalypse, p. 90) may choose to learn this Gift to represent their fallen totem’s favor. The fallen werewolf who knows this Gift finds that ordinary diseases just can’t take hold in his system. He does act as a carrier, though, and can inadvertently (or deliberately) infect passersby with a cough or sneeze. Plague Child does not especially protect against supernatural plagues.


The character is immune to non-magical, non-biowarfare diseases. No roll or expenditure is needed. Magical plagues (like the Metamorphic Plague that troubles the Black Furies) can still infect the werewolf, and specially engineered germ warfare agents also remain dangerous.

The werewolf remains a carrier of these diseases — they live on or in him, but do him no harm. A Plague Rat or Black Spiral Dancer with this Gift may find that those he encounters fall ill with one of the dozens of diseases from tuberculosis to malaria. Plague Child doesn’t make these diseases any more virulent, but a healthy and mobile carrier is always better able to spread a disease than one incapacitated by it.



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