Trite race - The Chronicles of Covent


Written by jlficks

Trites are a small fairy-like race greatly gifted in the ways of magic. Trites hail from the rain forests of Mizzle Drizzle, but have migrated to small pockets of other wildernesses. Trites have wings, red hair and are known for making pranks. They are often feared for their rash, reckless and childish use of the magic arts and antics. Trites can shape-shift and take the form of almost anything. Trites are known to disguise themselves as beasts, trees, stones and even wood chairs, which they love to snatch out from underneath a stranger, who tries to sit down and giggle hysterically.

Most Trites lives in tree cities in forests and jungles, toying with their unruly magic. Trites also wield a dangerous form of red Inertia Magic, which melds the contrasting energies of Life and Death, often with explosive results. This has made Trites a danger to themselves and other races. Many magic catastrophes have been caused by reckless Trites or Tritesses, leading the small fairy-like race to be largely distrusted in Doljinaar. Trites are all about fun and games, but when they threaten to use their Angry Magic, the wise go running for the hills…
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