San race - The Chronicles of Covent


Written by jlficks

Sans are a quick, sly and agile cat race, so sneaky and fleet of foot that most races don’t even believe them to exist. Sans have become a thing of legend and bedtime stories. San tales are incredibly popular among children, who are always searching the rooftops and alleyways for their first glimpse of a San. Sans are incredibly curious and love watching other races from secret hiding places, although they hate being seen.

Catching a glimpse of a San is a near impossibility, except maybe spotting a pair of cat eyes staring from the darkness or the whip of a tail darting around a shadowy corner. Sans are quite adept at hiding, sneaking and prefer scaling roofs and treetops. In fact, they are so agile that they can run across treetops, leaping from branch to branch as quickly as someone running along the ground. Sans are also said to have a nasty habit of stealing and as random objects disappear in a town or city, folks can’t help but blame a San.

It is said that although Sans are incredibly difficult to spot, they have a habit of watching other races from rooftops and through windows. Sans are incredibly curious and many say they're also ineffected with wanderlust. And so if you’re ever walking through the streets or wilds of Covent, look to the roof or treetops, and you may catch you first glimpse of a San.
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Art by Illich Henriquez

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