Alchemy in Chronicles of Hysal | World Anvil
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Alchemy is one of the only branch of Magic that non-mages can also practice. In fact most Alchemist aren't mages at all but normal humans instead. However, just like different type of mages, alchemist have grouped themselves into guilds to take advantage of the rareness of their talents. The most well known is of course the Alchemist's Guild of Vrahlis, which most Alchemist in the western half of Arros are directly or indirectly involved with. However, other cities, such as Sargassin, Palynor or Larasor all have a substantial number of Alchemists and shops where ingredients, potions and medicine are made and sold, called an Apothecary.  

Alchemic ingredients

Medicines, supplements or cures are usualy made or crafted in the form of potions, creames and powders. These sometime use more common elements such as aloe Vera and hembane to relieve different kinds of pain, while rarer ingredients like Dagfar leaves, Sorra juice and Jakalope antlers are also used for more specialised medicines. For example, Sorra juice and Dagfar leaves can both be used for pain relief while Dagfar leaves also have some minor healing propreties for mages. Jakalope antler, when grinded down to a fine powder, have powerful psychedelic and healing product for both mages and normal humans. There psychedelic effects, which are not present in regular deer antlers, can be used recreationaly or more sensibly to induce a proper state of mind for Soothsayer to receive visions. In fact, the accuracy of their visions grows 3 fold after its consumption.  

Occomor Claws

But by far the rarest ingredient for any alchemic recipe are the claws of the Occomor. Whereas in Mahador, they are used more as a status symbol amonghst the nobles, clergy and military officials, in Arros and Enask they are used for their strong positive effect on the stamina of mages. Like Jakalope antlers, they are grinded down into a fine powder before being used in a potion. A single Occomor claw can cost as much gold as 10 kilos of Dagfar leaves. Soulmages can consume far more of those potions before similar symptoms appear and their magic abilities aren't affected nearly as much, if at all. In very small quantities, normal mundane humans can consume it safely the effects will be stronger and shorter than with Mages that consume the same quantities. Scholars think this discrepancy is due to the different way a mage and normal human metabolise it.  

Storage and trade

These potions, like any other, are usualy kept in small glass vials crafted by Stonemages and sold out of apothecaries, which are also called medicine shops of Alchemic shops. Most large cities have one or more of those stores and common potions are regulary stocked. Specialized potions aren't available in most apothecary but the Alchemist may know where to find the right shop who does.


Author's Notes

Note: Note: Will transfer to a proper article and develop further once Spooktober ends

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Jan 6, 2024 05:02 by Enoris Leinwand

I agree that this will require a larger article, but I rather enjoyed my reading of this one. I like how, as it is doable by non-mages, the mages kinda ignore it, makes me feel like they feel too good for it somehow. The examples were well found and interesting to read. I can't wait to have a more detailed (and illustrated ?) article about that waiting in my notifications !

Jan 6, 2024 22:13 by Ephraïm Boateng

You're right on the money with your interpretation about how some mage feel about alchemy! As for a longer, more detailed article covering this subject, its gonna come out this year, but i don't know when. It is not really a priority of mine, at least for right now.

Jan 9, 2024 14:07 by Enoris Leinwand

I guess I'll have to just wait for the notification ;) I trust that you'll do the best for your world