Condition: Enthralled in CHASE SRD | World Anvil

Condition: Enthralled

When a creature is made friendlier to others through means that aren't natural. They won't hurt themselves or their allies, but they are otherwise fascinated by someone, or something, else.
  An effect that Enthralls is usually used to make other creatures friendlier, often being a result from a Psionic ability or something supernatural. While a creature is Enthralled:  
  • They cannot purposefully harm or target what is enthralling them. They can still otherwise act freely.
  • If the enthralling effect is from a creature, that creature had advantage on Charisma based skill checks against the Enthralled Creature.
  • If the Enthralled effect ends, the affected creature does not know they've had the condition applied to them, even if there were visual cues.
  The Enthralled condition automatically breaks if if the creature or object applying the effects harms the Enthralled creature. This can be mitigated with certain features or talents, usually possessed by enemy creatures.   Enthralled is less severe, but more covert version of the Compelled condition.

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