Ruk, The Species in Hammersphere | World Anvil

Ruk, The

Daily Notes.

This is day 254 of my trip here in the Epstein-Barr, and we found this very strange type of sentient, but apparently, they're the natives in this arm of the galaxy. Biped, two arms, two eyes, nothing special about the nose or mouth, long, pointed ears. Close enough to human to fool you, except, thin, cadaverously thin.

They apparently do not eat.

At all.

They don't need to, being able to get blood sugars from exposure to sunlight. Local legend has it this is a deliberate choice, as they're apparently an engineered offshoot of terrans, well, an offshoot of a common ancestor with the terrans. The Gethans apparently spawned most species in this galaxy, starting with the Ruk, who are apparently plants, and the Fillifers, who are apparently fungi.

The Gethans are responsible for the prevalence of two-arms, two-legs type sentients, if my hosts are to be believed. I'm not sure I care, since the Gethans are not getting along with any of their creations, and many of their experiments went astray.

One thing my hosts stressed about the Ruk, and the Fillifer, is that they have activity cycles shorter than humans, and that the main genemod they performed on themselves was an expanded activity cycle, Meritocracy Soldiers pride themselves on 36hours duty rotations, local hours.

Ruk have three castes, internally, which allow them to cover a day cycle.

Early meetings with them had them falling in a coma-like state at inconvenient times, according to a book I found. The book states the local warring species were too numerous for that to be safe.

— After-expedition embassy report of Rachel Wraith, March 29th, 2345.
Scientific Name
Homo Photosynthesis


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