Gravflow armor, aka gravito-repulsive shields Technology / Science in Hammersphere | World Anvil

Gravflow armor, aka gravito-repulsive shields

"Cadets, start your engines!"

"Ignition signal received, Exoframe Fusion Reactor beginning Fusion."

"Build protective steam pressure to 20 atmospheres and engage gravito-repulsors."

"Acknowledged, battalion leader."

"A few of the smart ones among you are probably wondering, how come a company commanding officer is addessed as battalion leader, for this exercise."


"We are simulating losses according to a stochastic algorithm, for the purposes of this exercise, every officer higher than myself is a casualty. I should be actually be referred to as Regimental Commander."

"Apologies, regimental commander, updating data banks."

"Computer, note the casulaties are simulated, do not update HR-or-related records."

"Understood, will comply."

"Cadets, register target unit strength and disposition."

"Target unit strength: battalion-sized. Target unit disposition: Tlalor Hemolef blood-letter. Warning, danger-level high. Advise activating gravito-repulsive shielding."

"Acknowledged, cadets, reinforcing that advice, if you don't activate your shields, this simulated battle is one you can't survive."

"What are Hemoleft blood-letters?"

"Hemolef! These are enemy units specialising in strength-draining attacks, using your shields will let you keep them at bay, and possibly shoot them at a distance. Make sure you do so, their melee abilities are superior!"


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