The Floating Palace

The Floating Palace, located in the island of Iamei, is the governance center of the School of Eimai, as well as its main educational complex. It takes up most of the surface of a floating island of the same name within the Eimaui Archipelago but under the political control of the School (rather than the Confederation).


The Floating Palace was built at the beginning of the Scholar Age as the government capital, when the School had political power over the territory that now belongs to the Confederation. At that point, the Palace didn't actually host any educational activities—instead, the School taught in its building in the Center of the Archipelago, which is the current location of the Confederation's capital.
  When the Scholar Age ended, the School progressively lost political power until a treaty was signed so that it could keep its political independence within the Floating Palace and its island. After this treaty, the Palace became the main educational complex, which required several expansions and alterations to its structure to achieve its current form.


The Floating Palace is a huge campus with all sorts of buildings and amenities. These areas are open to all non-citizens without a permit:
  • Harbor and border control: all visitors to the island must land on the Hardbor and go through the border control.
  • The Town: town built next to the harbor. It includes some shops, restaurants, acommodation, and even some permanent residents.
  • Atrium: huge square located in the middle of the island. It serves as a crossroads to the different parts of the Palace, as well as a meeting point.

  • To access the rest of the Palace, one needs to be a citizen of the School (this includes students and professors) or have a special permit. Specific areas could have further access restrictions.
  • Faculty: the center of governance of the School. It's where professors meet, but also the political decision-making center of the Palace.
  • Dormitories and college: this is the main structure of the island. Students live, study, and practice here. It includes student-focused structures like a library, practice rooms, study rooms, and more.
  • The Garden: large outdoors space where the beauty of the Palace's architecture meets nature. There are fields of flowers, ponds, statues, fountains, and even a small forest.

  •   All of these structures are connected by an underground shuttle system that takes less than five minutes to travel from one side of the island to the other.
    University / Educational complex
    Owning Organization


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