Oath of the Archmage

The Oath of the Archmage is a ceremony celebrated by the Veil in which newly recruited council members swear loyalty to the Council and to its values. The Ceremony is celebrate privately, and only other Veiled Ones and the family and close friends of the new recruit can attend.  



Before the ceremony starts, the new recruit must make their own Veiled regalia: a cloak, a metal circlet, a collar, and a staff. These four objects are symbols of protection, responsability, loyalty, and power respectively. The recruit can choose how they make these items, but these decisions will be watched closely by the rest of the Council and they could be deciding factors for the final decision of accepting the recruit or not.   Once the regalia is done, it's presented to the Council of examination. These items must have certain arcane properties, such as protection against someone else's magic and the ability to use them to communicate with other Council members. The items are therefore carefully analyzed and only if they are flawless will the new recruit become a member of the Veil.  


During the ceremony, all Council members meet and start by saying the Oath of the Archmage out loud while the recruit kneels in silence before them. Then, the recruit stands up and walks to each of the members of the Council, who need to put a hand on their head and say the words "I accept you". Tradition says that all Council members must agree in order for a new member to join them, but in current times this is merely a formality, as the decision has already been taken.   Once this is done, the oldest and youngest members of the Council approach the recruit and invest them with the regalia, reciting the part of the Oath that mentions them. Finally, the newly-invested Archmage says the Oath of the Archmage to complete the ceremony.
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