Moon tiger Species in Black Light | World Anvil

Moon tiger

The moon tiger is a feline species that is typically used as a working animal in Nampyeon. It looks like a large tiger, usually with dark or snow-white fur and colorful markings all around its body that shine when not lit directly by an external source of light.  


Moon tigers are native to Nampyeon and surrounding regions. In the north, they are completely white while southern speciments tend to have darker colors like brown and black. Their light patterns are called "starmarks" and are shared with other unrelated species, such as the sapient csillun. But that's not the only part of them that shines: when the light of a full moon touches them directly, their whole fur emits a slow pulsating light.   Their diet is based on fish, which means that they are often found close to rivers, lakes, or the sea. They are usually friendly to non-threatening jongyan or other intelligent species.  


Moon tigers have a wide variety of uses. Thanks to their strength they are often used to pull wagons, either for people or goods. They can also be used as mounts, which is seen as a symbol of high status and luxury. Moon tigers are the mounts used by the Divine Guard on the rare occasions when they leave the Inner City. This can be traced back to the times of the Faithful Knights, who also used moon tigers to travel all around the continent.   Additionally, moon tiger meat is also highly valued (and priced) for its sweet taste and texture. It can be found in most luxurious restaurants in Nampyeon and it's considered a luxury export too.


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